Go Full Screen Mac by hotkey?

Steven Veach
Member Posts: 273 ✭✭
I just discovered Mac has a universal hotkey for going fullscreen (Ctrl+Command+F). But this does not work for the Logos app. Is there an alternative hotkey combo that will put Logos in and out of Mac's fullscreen mode? Manually clicking on the green circle in the top left corner does the trick, but I'm hoping a hotkey combo also exists.
Try this solution: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/201886/1174085.aspx#1174085
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Hey Levi,
Got to say that was a perfect solution. I did have to add two 1. to enter full screen and 2. to exit full screen. Used the same key combination as the universal control+command+f for both. Works great now.
Thanks very much.