Harmony and OT in NT Visual Filters?

There are two tasks I would like to set up in Logos for any Bible but have no idea how to do it (or if it can even be done).
1. I would like to have every verse in the NT that quotes the OT or extra-biblical books (Enoch, etc) highlighted so as I'm reading through the text (of any Bible text) when I come across a quote it is easy to see. I would also be able to turn these highlights on and off as needed. If highlighting is not possible or in addition to highlighting I would also like the OT+ reference available as a hyperlink so I can hover over it and read the OT passage in a popup.
2. I would like some way to view the gospels as a harmony or as references in each gospel. So if I'm in Matthew, wherever there is a harmony elsewhere it shows up in Matthew either as an inline text or preferably as a hyperlink reference to the other gospels (same as 1 - highlighting + references). These could be turned on and off as well. I would also like to include John in all the entries.
For both 1 and 2 I do not want to filter the Bible text (only the harmony verses or quoted references in view). I want them to be the full Bible text just with some way to easily identify the OT in NT (also NT in NT would be nice as well) and the Harmonies.
Example: In TW5 LITV Bible it had cross references inline whenever the NT quote was from the OT or other book. I could just hover over the reference with my mouse and read the OT+ verse in a popup.
Any ideas?
Steven Veach said:
Example: In TW5 LITV Bible it had cross references inline whenever the NT quote was from the OT or other book. I could just hover over the reference with my mouse and read the OT+ verse in a popup.
You will find that the ESV, NABRE, CSB (as examples) do that i.e. click the footnote marker and hover the "cited/quoted" OT/NT reference in the popup. There will be differences between the versions, and you will have to learn the different markers i.e. numbers vs. letters vs CAP letters.
Steven Veach said:1. I would like to have every verse in the NT that quotes the OT or extra-biblical books (Enoch, etc) highlighted
2. I would like some way to view the gospels as a harmony or as references in each gospel.
You can have highlights for 1., but:
- there will be no hyperlink for the source, as the highlight style would be the only way to indicate the source e.g. one color for Genesis, another for Exodus, etc
- the Search Visual Filter behind this method will slow the loading of the resource, albeit that they can manually be turned off/on in the resource.
You can have highlights for 2., but:
- there is no Search method, so this will involve manual highlighting via Labels
- the reference in the label cannot be hyperlinked
- the Notebook for the highlighting can be turned on/off in the resource.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
You will find that the ESV, NABRE, CSB (as examples) do that i.e. click the footnote marker and hover the "cited/quoted" OT/NT reference in the popup. There will be differences between the versions, and you will have to learn the different markers i.e. numbers vs. letters vs CAP letters.
I got to looking at the NKJV (my main Bible) and it does the same thing in the footnotes. Numbers are used for different wording while letters are used for cross referencing. I've used these but didn't really think about it while I was doing it (if that makes any sense at all). I would say they are only referencing OT and NT cross-references. Such as in Jude 14-15, despite Jude mentioning Enoch by name, there is no cross-reference to the Book of Enoch, though there is a reference to 1 Sa 2:3 in vs 15.
Dave Hooton said:
You can have highlights for 1., but:
- there will be no hyperlink for the source,
You can have highlights for 2., but:
- there is no Search method, so this will involve manual highlighting via Labels
- the reference in the label cannot be hyperlinked
- the Notebook for the highlighting can be turned on/off in the resource.
Yeah, I played around with highlights a little. To make the cross-reference it has to be done through notes and I abhor LOGOS note taking system. Many years ago one of my mentors told me to keep my notes completely separate from any Bible program I was using since programs come and go but you'll want to keep your notes with you throughout. That has been quite helpful advice. I now have my notes in Scrivener in a "research notebook" and it's entire context is searchable. If I had put all my notes in TW5 there was no way to export them at all!
I'll have to think about this some more. Maybe just importing my spreadsheet from my OT in NT research project would be enough. That would provide the references (which would automatically be hyperlinked), the actual text, the author, with assigned types of interpretation, and whether it was being quoted from the LXX or Masoretic or Other unknown text type. It also includes both the OT and OT+ references. I think it even included references where the NT quoted the NT (but can't remember it was over 20 years ago now. It would not be dynamically annotating the actual Bible text, but this might be the next best thing.
Then again, this is very similar to the dynamic OT in NT interactive tool (Jude 6 is skipped altogether; Jude 14 references Deuteronomy 33:2 and not Enoch and the rest of the quote is skipped, etc).
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Steven Veach said:
I would say they are only referencing OT and NT cross-references. Such as in Jude 14-15, despite Jude mentioning Enoch by name, there is no cross-reference to the Book of Enoch
It won't quote books outside its canon (esp. Pseudepigrapha like Enoch). ESV does have a "quote" from Dt 33.2 & Dan 7:10, but they would only seem to be an "echo" from Enoch (as you mention later).
Steven Veach said:Maybe just importing my spreadsheet from my OT in NT research project would be enough.
Importing to what, though?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Importing to what, though?
Oh, I have a spreadsheet that I will convert to docx format and then import as a personal book to Logos. I'm pretty sure I did it when I first got LOGOS on windows just to test it out and see how it would turn out. I barely remember doing it on TW5 but I think the results were less than pleasing. I just dug up the excel and pdf files from my external drives. I'll see what the finished product looks like.
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So that worked better than expected. The spreadsheet converted over well. I want to make some adjustments to the original excel spreadsheet. For whatever reason I put a 0 in front of references that had a number in them (ie. 1 Timothy is 01 Timothy). Logos apparently does not turn these into hyperlinks. Also in the Enoch references I put just Book of Enoch. Now that I have a copy of it in logos I'm going to put the actual reference with hopes Logos will hyperlink it for quick comparison. Also need to adjust the totals and legend at the bottom of the document, it's split between two pages.
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Dave Hooton said:
Actually... it is more likely that Enoch "echoes" Deuteronomy as it is a much later composition.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Steven Veach said:
Now that I have a copy of it in logos I'm going to put the actual reference with hopes Logos will hyperlink it for quick comparison.
You need a reference like:
[[Enoch 14:22 >> BibleCAP:Enoch 14:22]]
If you have "The Book of Enoch", you might prioritize that above the Septuagint bibles like LES or LES2.
===Windows 11 & Android 13