
What is the best thing to buy with 750$ as a student? I have Platinum and Academic Professional packages.
Christian Alexander said:
What is the best thing to buy with 750$ as a student?
A fast computer as you seem to have big enough packages[:D]. Or an SSD if you only have a hard drive...
Seriously, we need to know a little bit more about your apparent need!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Christian Alexander said:
What is the best thing to buy with 750$ as a student?
One idea is asking education institution: some places have special bundle(s) for their students.
Another idea is Denominational Starter (or Higher) Base Packages:
All unowned Base Packages sorted by price ascending => https://www.logos.com/search?page=1&sortBy=PriceLow&limit=60&filters=status-live_Status%2Bproducttype-basepackages_Product%20Type&ownership=unowned&geographicAvailability=all
English unowned Base Packages sorted by price ascending => https://www.logos.com/search?page=1&sortBy=PriceLow&limit=60&filters=status-live_Status%2Bproducttype-basepackages_Product%20Type%2Blanguage-english_Language&ownership=unowned&geographicAvailability=all
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Christian Alexander said:
What is the best thing to buy with 750$ as a student?
Two shares of Microsoft stock. [:D]
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I got an SSD from my grandparents today.
I want a good package to do advanced studies on the NT and original Greek texts.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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Christian Alexander said:
I got an SSD from my grandparents today.
I want a good package to do advanced studies on the NT and original Greek texts.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Original greek texts ... that's a deal breaker. Most resources work with one of the digested forms ... eg NA28 or Majority. There's monographs on specific mss's. And hundreds of journal articles on specific mss usage.
If more general, you need to be more specific of your needs:
- Grammar collections (usually the best usable discussions, and linkable to your greek text)
- Specialized lexicons. I haven't checked if Spicq is in AcademicPro, but a diamond.
- General discussions of greek development (classical/attic, koine, pre-latin, and modern)
- And more
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As a student, I have found the Britannica Great Books set helpful in my secular classes, as well as my religious studies. The Great Books index treats the Bible exactly like it does all the other secular books. This allows me to add current events and secular concerns to scripture, and scripture to current events and secular concerns.
They are getting more and more outdated, but I still find the Compton's and Britannica encyclopedias helpful.
Harvard Classics
Loeb Classical Library
Do your packages include the Catholic Topic Index? It is useful beyond Catholic resources, especially if you have the above packages.
https://www.logos.com/product/37717/catholic-topical-index0 -
Beyond the Catholic Topical Index, what more would a student benefit from, by adding a Verbum package to what this student listed above? Or are all the features and secular resources in Verbum included in Logos Platinum and Logos Academic?
What might this student be missing for the works of the early church fathers?
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What about support for student burnout?
What about devotional resources that complement a too-heavy load of academics? For me, slowing down with the academics and exploring more about liturgy, prayer, and worship has strengthened my resolve to hit my academic studies with renewed passion.
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Are you missing anything in the preaching suites?
I have found that some sermons can be used as outline ideas for an essay.
Also some preaching features can be used to write academic papers.