Sermon builder stops working - How often should I expect that?

Sylvio Janelle
Sylvio Janelle Member Posts: 51 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

It's Saturday morning.  I'm "polishing" my sermon for tomorrow.  And the sermon builder froze, that is that I can't modify it, only highlight sections, but without being able to do anything.  I was able to transfer it in a Word document.  Then, I closed the sermon builder window and reopened it: all is well now.

That freaks me out.  This is my second sermon prepared straight into Logos.  I see pros and cons, but, in spite of all the advantages, the reliability needs to be spotless.  

Should I expect more emotions like I experienced this morning or is this sermon builder thing solid and reliable?

(I've been using Logos since 2004 and I'm a fan.  This is an honest question.  No hint of Logos bashing in my heart over this issue.  Just trying to see if I use that tool as my new normal.)



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,155

    Sorry to hear you are having problems

    I have been using the sermon builder (previously sermon editor) for years without those sorts of issues (there have been other problems)

    If it happens again it would be helpful to upload diagnostic logs - see for details

  • Jeff Rogers
    Jeff Rogers Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I get this problem rather often...well at least once a week.

    I write my sermons exclusively in Sermon Builder.

     I'm running Logos 9 on a M1 Macbook Pro with Monterey installed.  It happened on Mojave Big Sur as well.  Sermon Builder, as well as Sermon Manager, just freeze at random times when I switch from one of those things to something else in Logos, and then switch back.  Closing them and re-opening fixes the problem.  I've never lost data because if it that I know of.  Of course, I'm always careful to click the sync button before closing out the Sermon Builder.

  • Sylvio Janelle
    Sylvio Janelle Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    Thanks guys!  That encourages me to keep on trying.  

  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    I also have outlined a case for our developers to look into this specific issue.  That work will begin very soon.  Although I have not personally seen it happen, there have been enough reports on it now that justify us exploring it quickly.  I hope to have a resolution for those that are impacted by it fairly soon.