Book suggestions

Can someone recommend a good book on the NT manuscripts and a defense of Bart Ehrman?
By far the best is an older volume from 1977: Metzger's Early Versions of the New Testament (Oxford) ... 500 pages ... not in Logos. As the title indicates, it 'starts' at the earliest NTs ... not mss by mss. But inherently, mss's get included, by tracing the version .... Diatesseron, Peshitta, Coptic, etc
Metzger also has another volume in Logos ... English translations, which is less mss-related (largely majority, vs Westcott, etc).
Strict mss-wise, most discussion is in journal articles and commentaries, where wprd choice is being evaluated.
Regarding Ehrman, did you mean a defense OF him, or a defense AGAINST him? Of course, Logos has the volume against him (search Ehrman). I don't remember any in support of him ... he pretty much lays the issues out in intentionally lay-language. The more scholarly langage is in journal articles.
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I wanted a defense both of him and against him. What is the link of Metzger's book in Logos?
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Metzger's The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration (4th Edition) is available on Amazon, not in Logos, unfortunately. The 4th Edition was co-authored by Ehrman. Maybe you can check it out from a seminary or university library near you because it's rather expensive in print. Another good work on NT textual criticism that is not in Logos is Kurt Aland's The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism, also available at seminary or university libraries.
You should also consider starting with basic information about New Testament Textual Criticism by reading articles in your bible dictionaries on the subject. Here are two good examples:
- Anchor-Yale:
- Lexham:
Check the bibliographies of those articles for more resources on the subject.
As for Logos resources:
Books on Textual Criticism:
- Bart Ehrman wrote a chapter on NT Textual Criticism (chapter 2) in Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation, 2nd edition (edited by Joel B. Green).
- Bart Ehrman; Michael Holmes: The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research
- Philip W. Comfort: Encountering the Manuscripts: An Introduction to New Testament Paleography & Textual Criticism
- Daniel B. Wallace: Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testament: Manuscript, Patristic, and Apocryphal Evidence (contains responses to Ehrman)
- Daniel B. Wallace: Reinventing Jesus: How Contemporary Skeptics Miss the Real Jesus and Mislead Popular Culture (contains responses to Ehrman)
- David Allan Black: New Testament Textual Criticism: A Concise Guide
- Paul D. Wenger: A Student’s Guide to Textual Criticism of the Bible: Its History, Methods and Results (Covers both OT and NT criticism and gives the differences between the two)
- Amy Anderson; Wendy Widder: Textual Criticism of the Bible, Revised Edition (also covers both OT and NT criticism)
- Stanley E. Porter: How We Got the New Testament: Text, Transmission, Translation
- Stanley E. Porter; Andrew W. Pitts: Fundamentals of New Testament Textual Criticism
- J. Harold Greenlee: The Text of the New Testament: From Manuscript to Modern Edition
- Tommy Wasserman; Peter J. Gurry: A New Approach to Textual Criticism: An Introduction to the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (covers the latest approach to textual criticism)
- Elijah Hixson; Peter J. Gurry: Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism
- Philip W. Comfort: The Origin of the Bible (contains a section on the texts and manuscripts of the NT)
- Arthur G. Patzia: The Making of the New Testament: Origin, Collection, Text & Canon, 2nd edition (contains a section on NT manuscripts and textual criticism)
- Stanley E. Porter; Mark J. Boda: Translating the New Testament: Text, Translation, Theology (contains articles related to NT textual criticism)
- Eldon J. Epp; Gordon D. Fee: Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism
Textual Commentaries:
- Bruce Metzger: A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Second Edition (Metzger commentary explaining/supporting the textual decisions of the NA27/UBS4)
- Roger L. Omanson: A Textual Guide to the Greek New Testament (a non-technical version of Metzger's textual commentary)
- Philip W. Comfort: New Testament Text and Translation Commentary: Commentary on the Variant Readings of the Ancient New Testament Manuscripts and How They Relate to the Major English Translations (Comfort NT textual commentary where he makes different textual choices than Metzger at certain points)
- Israel Loken; Rick Brannan: The Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible (Lexham Press' textual commentary on the whole bible, less detailed than Metzger and Comfort)
Mobile Ed Courses:
- Michael S. Heiser: How We Got the New Testament (NT281)
- Craig A. Evans: The Reliability of New Testament Manuscripts (NT308)
- David Trobisch: A User's Guide to the Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament (helps you find your way around the NA28 and its apparatus)
- Philip W. Comfort; David P. Barrett: The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts (contains an introduction on the earliest NT manuscripts along with the actual transcriptions of those manuscripts)
King James Onlyism (including these because discussing KJV-Onlyism involves discussing Textual Criticism:
- D. A. Carson: The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism
- James R. White: The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations?
There could be more resources that others know about but these are the ones that I either own in print, in Logos, or are on my wishlist.
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Here is also a good podcast by Michael S. Heiser and Rick Brannan on how we got the NT: Naked Bible 99: Debunking Greek NT Manuscript Conspiracies
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Nice text criticism list by subject, Kiyah.
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Kiyah said:
Here is also a good podcast by Michael S. Heiser and Rick Brannan on how we got the NT: Naked Bible 99: Debunking Greek NT Manuscript Conspiracies
Thanks for all. Blessings