Reverse Interlinear

Here is a good article on the Logos Wiki:$2fInterlinear_Bibles
Not all Bibles have reverse interlinear features.
If the wiki does not answer your questions, please post back.
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When I go to access The New American Standard Bible, 2020 Update (NASB) Reverse Interlinear by Randall Tan; Daniel Hart; Steven E. Runge; Ken M. Penner it says I do not have access but I used it yesterday.
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Not sure what to say to this. Are you sure it was NASB 2020 and not NASB 95?
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I am not a 100% sure. I am almost sure it was. I could be wrong.
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Christian Alexander said:
I am not a 100% sure.
Here is how you can be sure. Visit this link:
You will see the box on the right to make the purchase. If you see a green "add to cart" button, you do not own it. If you have a Faithlife Connect subscription, you should see the words "You have temporary access to this product." above the quantity dropdown box. If you dont own it or have temporary access via a FB subscription, you will not have access to this resource.
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