Won't Install

I downloaded and tried to install the application on two machines and the attached screenshot is all it does? I let it sit overnight before capturing the picture. Any suggestions? How do you open a ticket?
Have you blocked outgoing connections in Windows Firewall (or alternative)?
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No firewall here, and it does it here at the church and at home so I don't think it's the router.
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No, I don't have any firewall running on my PC's. And it can't be router issues since it happens at the church and at home.
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Welcome Chuck
Try these Setup fixes, Otherwise, you should contact Customer service via Chat in the Support menu at https://www.logos.com/
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Any idea why they'd use windows update to install their software? I can tell you it's disabled on all my machines with the exception of security updates and I'd like to keep them that way. I like to keep my machines running the way I want them and windows updates seems to change my settings back to what they want.
Also, this BITS thing, that's probably one of the services I have disabled. Again, is there a place I can just download the software like a a normal piece of software. I prefer keeping my system customized the way I have it and have never had any trouble installing any software until this time.
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Chuck said:
is there a place I can just download the software like a a normal piece of software
I am not a windows user, but if you don't like how FL installs your app, perhaps you should stick to the web app: app.logos.com
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Chuck said:
Any idea why they'd use windows update to install their software?
Welcome [:D]
Logos & Verbum software setup use the Windows Installer for required prerequisites: e.g. .NET Framework
Logos Help Center (LHC) includes
Chuck said:Again, is there a place I can just download the software like a a normal piece of software.
Not published by Faithlife Corporation (as prerequisites can change with each release so setup is published with installation manifest).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Chuck said:
I can tell you it's disabled on all my machines with the exception of security updates and I'd like to keep them that way.
An idea is manually updating Logos (& Verbum) when have machine configured for downloading & installing Windows security updates.
Logos installer => https://www.logos.com/install (current licensed stable release: setup includes installation manifest)
Verbum installer => https://verbum.com/install (current licensed stable release: setup includes installation manifest)
Logos & Verbum command: Set Update Channel to Manual disables automatic software updating (Manual channel does not exist so cannot find any new updates).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Verbum does the same as Logos, it just sits and won't install.
I don't know what you mean by set the channel to manual, but it'd be glad to give it a try.
As I understand it, my Wordseach that I've used for years will keep running on all my computers until one of my drives crashes or I get a new machine. I'll just have to remember to install Logos BEFORE I disable all the extra windows stuff like the store, updates etc...
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Set update to manual won’t help you install Logos, it will only prevent it from updating once you have it installed. And if you do this at some point you at some point in time you will have issues with buying new resources as they will be built to work on an updated version of Logos.
Verbum will do the same as Logos. They are essentially the same program with some interface and functional difference.
As outlined above if you don’t want to allow Logos install the required prerequisites then the web app is an alternative solution for you. The link is:
Chuck said:Verbum does the same as Logos, it just sits and won't install.
I don't know what you mean by set the channel to manual, but it'd be glad to give it a try.
As I understand it, my Wordseach that I've used for years will keep running on all my computers until one of my drives crashes or I get a new machine. I'll just have to remember to install Logos BEFORE I disable all the extra windows stuff like the store, updates etc...
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Chuck said:
Also, this BITS thing, that's probably one of the services I have disabled.
BITS is a standard component of Windows that is made available for applications (including Logos) to use: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/bits/background-intelligent-transfer-service-portal
Instead of writing our own downloading code, we depend on built-in OS functionality. BITS is required in order to install Logos. If you disable standard services that Logos requires, it won't work.
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Perhaps I worded it wrong and said I disabled something that isn't disabled but I have many, many, many applications on all my computers as I do video editing etc... But never had trouble like this with a "downloading install" to include Adobe which also uses some kind of downloading to install.
I just wished you had a .exe file I could download and install that would let me know if prerequisites are missing prior to installing. Thats what most applications do. This is the first Ive seen of an application that just sits and does nothing (no error, clue, hint, or anything, it just sits and does nothing). Sure appreciate the support I'm getting from Logos. We're off to a great relationship.
PS... There's an error screen shot in post 7 that says I must have BITS running. It just doesn't download whatever you have at https://downloads.logoscdn.com/LBS9/Installer/
I have no firewall, and no other application has problems with outgoing connections. And it's happening on 3 of my machines.