BUG?: Ancient Literature Guide Section not recognizing Ambrose of Milan Reference

I ran a passage guide Ancient Literature guide section for 2 Peter to see where it was quoted/cited by the early church. When I got to the Church Fathers section I noticed a reference for Ambrose of Milan (Ambr., De inc. 8.85) and hovered over it. Nothing popped up so I clicked on it and the Power Lookup window opened and said "No resources found that contain this reference." (See below)
However, I do own a resource that contains this reference (Fathers of the Church - Saint Ambrose: Theological and Dogmatic Works). (see below)
Can someone look into why this reference is not being recognized in the Ancient Literature guide section?
I can confirm the bug. Obviously the Passage Guide recognizes the reference (I successfully created a note to this reference from the PG result, which shows up in the resource at exactly the same location and with the same anchor as a note created in the resource, anchored to the reference).
However, I have no idea what is broken with the reference or the respective index table that should allow lookup and text display on hover as well as allow the Power Lookup to work. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a workaround either.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks for confirming.
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You will also find under "Allusion" a reference to 8.82 that likewise does not work.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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This has been fixed. Thanks for letting us know.
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Thanks Kyle, [Y]