Bible-search: Search-fields select dropdown list error

This error has been around for quite a time.
I want to select search-field in dropdown menu, but I can't expand the "Search field" list, or the other lists for that matter. If I click the small arrow, all it does is to make the distance between the lines bigger, but no checkboxes appears. see screendump
You are on to something: It is only in my Danish Bible 1992, but it is an application-wide error: The same error when I use the Global search function placed in main menu. I do not think that it is an error in the search-function, but only in the graphic representation of fields and handling of check-boxes etc.
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Gunnar Bruhn said:
I do not think that it is an error in the search-function, but only in the graphic representation of fields and handling of check-boxes etc.
That's worth checking
If I try a search surface:hope in an English Bible I get all verses with the word hope in the text.
Can you try something similar in your Danish Bible and see if you get the results you expect?
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That works as expected.
If I want to choose from dropdown-list in my danish Bible I can choose to make a Bible-search or a Basic-search.
If I choose basic I can see the fields in dropdown, but if I choose bible I can't see them, see pictures.
By the way: Thank you very much for helping me with this, I appreciate it.
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It does sound like a bug in how the Bible has been produced - hopefully someone from Faithlife can comment further
Gunnar Bruhn said:By the way: Thank you very much for helping me with this, I appreciate it.
You are very welcome - hope we find a resolution to this.
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Gunnar Bruhn said:
This error has been around for quite a time.
I want to select search-field in dropdown menu, but I can't expand the "Search field" list, or the other lists for that matter. If I click the small arrow, all it does is to make the distance between the lines bigger, but no checkboxes appears. see screendump
What version of the app are you running and what type of Program or Scaling do you have turned on?
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I am using Logos
Scaling is 80%.
If I change it to 100% dropdown looks better; no more changing line-spacing when trying to expand Search Fields.
But still, if I choose basic search the Search Fields show me the fieldnames, and when i choose Bible search the Search Fields is empty, see pictures from earlier.
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Gunnar Bruhn said:
I am using Logos
Gunnar, this should have been reported in the Logos Desktop Beta forum, from where you would have downloaded this version.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Yes I see, sorry Mr. Hooton - will not happen again.
This error has been around at least a couple of years, and in this way isn't connected to any specific version, beta or other. I guess I have lived in the hope, that somebody else would make it go away. Seems it isn't the case.
I think Mr. Criddle is on to something suggesting that the problem is the conversion of my Danish Bible, not an app-problem. And as the Danish Bible isn't the most used Bible-version in the Logos-universe, point in the same direction, as I see it: Not many Logos-users will ever experience this behaviour, and therefore there won't be many reports about it in any forum.
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Gunnar Bruhn said:
This error has been around at least a couple of years, and in this way isn't connected to any specific version, beta or other.
You are entitled to report any problem whilst using a beta version, but it must be in the beta forum to avoid confusion with problems that are unique to the beta (or may be fixed in the beta!).
Gunnar Bruhn said:I think Mr. Criddle is on to something suggesting that the problem is the conversion of my Danish Bible, not an app-problem
Quite likely
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Gunnar Bruhn said:
If I change it to 100% dropdown looks better; no more changing line-spacing when trying to expand Search Fields.
But still, if I choose basic search the Search Fields show me the fieldnames, and when i choose Bible search the Search Fields is empty, see pictures from earlier.
I wouldn't expect the Search Field list to be populated for Bible Search**, but do the other lists (Solid Colors, Emphasis Markup, etc) populate as the screenshots don't show if they were clicked. And is the behaviour consistent between Bible Search and Basic Search?.
** the only field that could show is Surface Text, but it doesn't happen for other bibles I have checked!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Gunnar Bruhn said:
Danish show other Lists:
Gunnar Bruhn said:ESV show surface and words of Christ.
Words of Christ is expected for the ESV. Faithlife have confirmed that only bibles with a reverse interlinear (like ESV**) will show Surface Text, whilst other bibles (like your Danish) will not show it. It doesn't matter either way because the Bible Text is the Surface Text in a Bible Search. Both categories of bible will show Surface in a Basic Search.
So I'd say your issue is resolved!
** The
icon in the ESV toolbar identifies it as a Reverse Interlinear. Your Danish bible does not have that.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Yes, thank you very much all of you.
Kind regards,