Preachers Outline and Sermon Bible (POSB)

I get the same results if I put my system in dark mode. It appears that the resource is trying to display a table with a shaded background. It seems that dark mode does not mix well with the tables background.
The resource does display correctly in light mode however.
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I received this back from c/s a few weeks ago regarding this same issue in POSB Acts.
"The formatting used for the header in this resource (and similar books) seems to be what is having trouble working on Dark Mode. I can update the case that has been sent in as our Content team will likely be investigating any books that have this type of formatting. While any fixes will most likely be on a book-by-book basis, any changes (to either the book or the program as a whole) will be automatically downloaded into the program. Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime!"
Thank you,
Zavier Zarit
Faithlife Support Department
800-875-6467 | 360-527-1700 | UK Callers: 0(871)218-17000 -
This is why it would be better to format this series the way WORDsearch or Accordance did. It would eliminate this problem by putting the outlines as a separate resource. It’s so much better than a side table.
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