What does the abbreviation LSTO stand for?

Factbook generated the following search string: <LSTO The Bible’s Inspiration>, {Section <LSTO The Bible’s Inspiration>}, {Milestone <LSTO The Bible’s Inspiration>}, {Headword The Bible’s Inspiration}, "The Bible’s Inspiration"
I'm curious to find out what LSTO stands for. I searched for it in Wiki, but only received a search string with that abbreviation in it.
Lexham Systematic Theology Ontology Dataset (LSTO) has annotated almost all of the nearly 400 systematic theology resources Logos offers according to the major topics in systematic theology and made those topics fully searchable.
For example, with LSTO (included in Logos Silver and above), you can search for “justice” within every resource annotated with the theological topic, “The Church’s Mission.”
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