In-Line Scripture in Sermon Editor

I am not getting any prompts to insert Scripture text into my sermon notes when I type a passage of scripture into the notes. It turns blue for a hyperlink to the text, but no option to hit TAB or ENTER to insert the text into my notes. Is there a setting somewhere that can be toggled on/off for this? It's not a big deal, but was useful to me.
Joshua Yates said:
but no option to hit TAB or ENTER to insert the text into my notes.
Are you saying you don't see the options shown below?
If so, that's very strange - and there aren' any settings to disable this capability
Which version of Logos software are you running and on which platform?
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Exactly. I no longer see those options.
I'm running on macOS Monterey 12.0.1.
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Joshua Yates said:
I'm running on macOS Monterey 12.0.1.
I've just checked and I see them on my MacBook also running
But I haven't upgraded to 12.0.1, still running 11.6 (no particular reason, just haven't got to it yet!)
Hopefully some other Monterey users will be able to check and advise.
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I'm running on Monterey 12.0.1 (2018 MacBook Pro 15"), and I'm still getting the prompts. I have no clue what the issue may be.
Pastor of Lower Three Runs Baptist Church - Martin, SC
Romans 12:1-2
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Joshua Yates said:
Exactly. I no longer see those options.
I'm running on macOS Monterey 12.0.1.
Is it possible that you're seeing this while in a "bulleted list item" state? We are working right now on providing users the option on whether or not they want to be able to do scripture insertions while in a list state, but as of this moment on 9.9, when in a list, no scripture insertions pop up.
If you're not in a list state, I'd be curious to see a screenshot or a video capture of what's happening.
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I see there is no way to turn this off, but is there a way to make it so when you hit space the insert options go away?
I often type a scripture reference and then move onto the next line without needing the scripture in my sermon... the only way to do this (that I am aware of) is by adding a period (or other character) and then hitting enter.
my vote would be keep tab and enter functions when cursor is next to scripture reference, but the moment you hit space bar the pop ups for Scripture insertion go away so you can hit enter and continue on the next line
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Jamie Lanza said:
I see there is no way to turn this off, but is there a way to make it so when you hit space the insert options go away?
I often type a scripture reference and then move onto the next line without needing the scripture in my sermon... the only way to do this (that I am aware of) is by adding a period (or other character) and then hitting enter.
my vote would be keep tab and enter functions when cursor is next to scripture reference, but the moment you hit space bar the pop ups for Scripture insertion go away so you can hit enter and continue on the next line
I just checked after downloading version.... (Windows) and it works like you suggest.
I entered a note... typed a Scripture reference and press enter and go to the next line which is the way I like it.
Then I made a bulletted list and typed in a reference and same thing.
I know some would like to insert the passage when they type a refeence... not me... but that is why I suggested having a setting to be able to turn it on and off.
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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Well…there’s the problem. I write every sermon with bullet points, so the option is gone. That is a bit frustrating as it just changed. I guess I’ll try to get out of the list state to put in a verse…then go back to the list afterward. 😕
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Update - - Our team is close to having a fix for this and we will be providing users the option as to which way they prefer to use scripture insertions within lists. It will be in the following menu...
It is going through some testing right now with a release scheduled soon after the testing is confirmed. Thanks for everyone's input on this.
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Reply to Austin Bush:
Love it! Love it! Love it! You guys are amazing!!!
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!