Visual Filters and Mobile Apps

Why do the visual filters not show up on the mobile app version of Logos? Is there a way to make them show up? Or is there another way to apply multiple highlights to a word in the text and have it carry through to all bibles, both on the desktop and the mobile Application version? For instance, I want to highlight each instance of 'Jesus' throughout the text, without having to highlight it individually each time and be able to see it on my mobile app when I am reading the scripture during Worship Services.
Tip Underwood said:
Why do the visual filters not show up on the mobile app version of Logos?
This is not a supported feature on mobile.
Tip Underwood said:Or is there another way to apply multiple highlights to a word in the text and have it carry through to all bibles, both on the desktop and the mobile Application version?
I'm surprised I don't know the answer to this... I do not like the feature on desktop and don't use it, but I don't remember responding or reading to a post about this. In any case, make sure that you have RI's for both resources. If you do and the feature is not working, it is likely unsupported.
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what are RIs? Sorry for my ignorance, but I don't know that I have heard of that before.
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Tip Underwood said:
what are RIs? Sorry for my ignorance, but I don't know that I have heard of that before.
It's Logosean Jargon. RIs stands for Reverse Interlinear(s) you find them, in bibles, here...
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Ahh...ok, thank you. Still not sure I am fully tracking...How does that help in being able to highlight multiple instances of certain names/words to have them show up in the Mobile App?
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Tip Underwood said:
How does that help in being able to highlight multiple instances of certain names/words to have them show up in the Mobile App?
It isn't actually supported on mobile.
On desktop - if you highlight a word in one Bible then you can configure other Bibles to show the same highlight. Assuming these Bibles have reverse-interlinears. This is because the actual linkage is done through the original language terms not the English translations.
But, as I say, its not supported on mobile
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Tip Underwood said:
not sure I am fully tracking...How does that help in being able to highlight multiple instances of certain names/words
Graham explained this, but to expound a bit...
When you highlight, you are putting a visual marker tied to characters in a specific location in a specific resource. Of course, some users would like to make a highlight in one bible and have it show up in another... but that isn't how highlighting works. To create the "magic" to make it work, FL uses the underlying original languages. When a user utilizes two resources in which s(he) own the Reverse Interlinears (RI's), then the software says:
- User highlighted the first instance of Word X1 in John 3:16 in Resource 1
- The first instance of Word X is Original Language Y
- Resource 2 as a first instance of Original Language Y in John 3:16
- Therefore we should show highlight Word X2 in John 3:16
Without this sort of trickery, Logos wouldn't know which word to highlight.
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