BUG: Broken/Odd Bible Referrence linking in Hebrew Aramaic Lexicon

Morgan Member Posts: 503 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

In doing a word study on the "crafty" serpent of Genesis 3 I double click the word and HAL pops up to the relevant lemma.

For definition 2 "clever" the links to Proverbs 12:16, 23 work properly. However, all other links below that in the entry are do not work. They begin to work again for the next lexical entry.

What makes this doubly weird, is that once I open my ESV to the book of Proverbs the links begin working. If I am opened to Genesis 3 they go back to being broken.

So it seems that certain links are only working depending on which page my ESV is open to.

Running on Windows, Logos updated to the latest release.

