BUG: Some Hebrew Discourse visual filter hover-over pop-ups are BLANK

Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I was using the Hebrew Bible Discourse visual filter in my bible ("Discourse features (Hebrew)"), and whenever I hover over the ‹✓ Point ✓› or ‹✕ Counterpoint ✕› notations, the pop-up that's supposed to give you the definition of these notations is blank. The other notations are working fine, and the definition pops up as expected. However, the pop-up for the ‹✓ Point ✓› and ‹✕ Counterpoint ✕› notations has the title of the notation and the resource (The Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible: Glossary), but there's no text being pulled in for the definitions.

I was looking at Exodus 1:17 where it says: "But the midwives feared God ‹✕ and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, ✕› ‹✓ but let the male children live. ✓›".  When I hover over the ‹✕ and the ‹✓ all I get is "Counter Point (Clause) | LDHB Glossary" and "Point (Clause Level) | LDHB Glossary", but the definitions of Point and Counterpoint from the LDHB Glossary do not appear.

Unfortunately, I can't do screen shots right now so I hope this description is clear enough to detail the problem. The Greek Discourse visual filter seems to be working fine, and the rest of the Hebrew Discourse notations seem to be working fine. It looks like there's just a problem with Point and Counterpoint for the Hebrew Bible.

