Not Creating Citations: macOS 12.0.1 Monterey

Has anyone else experienced this? When I copy and paste into Word, Logos no longer creates an automatic footnote citation. I think it happened when I updated to Monterey. My settings look correct.
Welcome to the forums. Can you provide a screen shot of you program settings re:footnotes? I don't have the problem on the PC. BTW it is best to post in either the desktop or the mobile forums so we know we're answering for the correct software.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Also, I am using a MacBook Pro M1 Pro 14 inch, so I'm running the desktop app.
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I have the same settings as you, and it works for me.
- macOS 12.0.1
- MacBook Air (M1 2020)
- Logos 9.9.0
- Word 16.55
- Select text in Logos
- In popup, click "copy"
- In Word, paste.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thx man.
Still not working for me.
macOS 12.0.1
MacBook Pro M1 Pro 14 inch, 2021
Word 16.55
I follow all those steps. shrug*
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I'm not a Mac person but I set my options on the PC side ... is it possible to supress the citation/footnote on the Mac receiving side?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
is it possible to supress the citation/footnote on the Mac receiving side?
I forgot to post back... I did check on the Word side... but have no idea what I am doing. I clicked and unchecked a few things with no difference.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
On November 22, there was an update (9.10 Beta 2) that "Fixed a bug that incorrectly formatted Bible citations when using the SBL 2nd Ed citation style." I am using the latest update Beta 3 ( on a MacAir using Monterey. The citations are still broken. I get author and title, pages, but no publisher information. I have tried SBL 2.0, APA7 and MLA8, all with the same result.
For example, pasting from the LBD, the SBL citation is now:
Jason C. Kuo, “Thessalonians, First Letter to the,” The Lexham Bible Dictionary.
It ought to be:
Jason C. Kuo, “Thessalonians, First Letter to the,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
I notice the truncated citation is also in the information section of the Library window (where you can just copy/paste the bibliography info)
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Phillip J. Long said:
On November 22, there was an update (9.10 Beta 2) that "Fixed a bug that incorrectly formatted Bible citations when using the SBL 2nd Ed citation style." I am using the latest update Beta 3 ( on a MacAir using Monterey.
I am unsure how is this related to the OP. Am I missing something?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I dunno. Contacted apple customer service about it, but heard nothing back yet.
I have an older MacBook Pro as well, a 13 inch from 2020, running the same OS (Monterey), and the feature is not working on that computer anymore either. So I know it's not my new Computer. That's what leads me to think it has got to be the new OS!
But others here apparently have no problem with that OS, so I honestly don't know what is going on.
Also, it's not working for me in Pages either (apple's version of MS Word).
It's so weird!
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Jonathan Poland said:
Also, it's not working for me in Pages either (apple's version of MS Word).
It has never worked for me in the "new" version of Pages. By "new," I mean like 7 years ago.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I never use Pages. Prefer MS Word all day. But I had to check just to see.
Interesting that it hasn't worked in Pages for 7 years. Wonder why.
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Jonathan Poland said:
7 years
The "7 years" is just a guess. Apple had a major update to the app when it went from an "old style," to a "new style." The new version provided a number of enhanced features... but also removed a bunch more. There use to be the ability to have special services, but some of that functionality was removed.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I would be tempted to ask whether MS Word has done the same. Except that you have the same version of Word as I do, and you say it's working for you!
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I am running an Apple 1 Max, and with SBL 1st edition I get a full citation, with SBL 2nd edition I get the abbreviated style Phillip Long posted.
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Phillip J. Long said:
On November 22, there was an update (9.10 Beta 2) that "Fixed a bug that incorrectly formatted Bible citations when using the SBL 2nd Ed citation style." I am using the latest update Beta 3 ( on a MacAir using Monterey. The citations are still broken. I get author and title, pages, but no publisher information. I have tried SBL 2.0, APA7 and MLA8, all with the same result.
For example, pasting from the LBD, the SBL citation is now:
Jason C. Kuo, “Thessalonians, First Letter to the,” The Lexham Bible Dictionary.
It ought to be:
Jason C. Kuo, “Thessalonians, First Letter to the,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
I notice the truncated citation is also in the information section of the Library window (where you can just copy/paste the bibliography info)
Thanks for reporting this bug. I've created a case for it.
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Jonathan Poland said:
Has anyone else experienced this? When I copy and paste into Word, Logos no longer creates an automatic footnote citation. I think it happened when I updated to Monterey. My settings look correct.
Mac's system security settings sometimes prevents this from working properly.
Try this:
- Go to System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Accessibility
- Click the Lock icon and enter password.
- Look for Logos in the list; if for some reason it's not there, click the + button.
- Check the box for Logos.
I think it wouldn't hurt to make sure Word has a check box as well.
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Thank you Adam! That fixed it!
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So happy that's fixed.
Interestingly, the boxes were already checked, but I still had to "add" them (by pressing the + button and searching for them in applications) before it worked.
Thanks again!
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I switched to SBL1 and the citation is correct, SLB2 seems to be the one that is broken. Thanks...
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Phillip J. Long said:
On November 22, there was an update (9.10 Beta 2) that "Fixed a bug that incorrectly formatted Bible citations when using the SBL 2nd Ed citation style." I am using the latest update Beta 3 ( on a MacAir using Monterey. The citations are still broken. I get author and title, pages, but no publisher information. I have tried SBL 2.0, APA7 and MLA8, all with the same result.
For example, pasting from the LBD, the SBL citation is now:
Jason C. Kuo, “Thessalonians, First Letter to the,” The Lexham Bible Dictionary.
It ought to be:
Jason C. Kuo, “Thessalonians, First Letter to the,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.
I notice the truncated citation is also in the information section of the Library window (where you can just copy/paste the bibliography info)
I switched to SBL1 and the citation is correct, SLB2 seems to be the one that is broken. Thanks...
Thanks for the report, Phillip. This was a problem specifically Bible dictionaries, that has been fixed in beta 4.
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Thanks Adam, I updated to beta 4 this morning and I have restarted Logos twice. When SBL 2.0 is selected, I still get the truncated citations (no editors as it has in the past). Prior to Beta 2, when LBD pasted in as Ed. John Barry, et al.; the AYBD should have D. N Freedman.
Here is what it looks like with Beta 4:
David P. Melvin, “Apocalypticism, Early Jewish,” The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016).
Jon Paulien, “Nicodemus (Person),” The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary 1105 (New York: Doubleday, 1992).SBL 1 is working fine still, so it is not really a burning issue for me.
Probably another request: Is there any way the AYBD (or any other multi-volume work) can have the volume number included?
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Hi Phillip—I’m an editor with Faithlife’s publishing house, Lexham Press. Adam looped me into this conversation about citation styles. SBLHS 2 does allow for a much-abbreviated version of citations in footnotes, especially for dictionaries (see examples in SBLHS 6.3.6–7). However, we agree with you that a more comprehensive version of the citations would be helpful—it’s easier for the user to abbreviate the available information in the footnote than to add it. We’re working on that update now.
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Thanks for this comment, I was thinking along the same lines and did check a physical copy of the SBL 2 Style guide. I think that the issue is footnotes vs. full bibliography. Logos is creating a footnote, I want an entry for my bibliography. In SBL 1, that is the same thing (I just rearrange the author's names). In SBL 2, there is a difference.
I can use the Library info window to copy a reference for the whole dictionary, but normally I want to cite an article from the dictionary using the article author and article name (as my previous examples). In a footnote, the brief form is fine, but in the bibliography/woks cited/reference page it is the full form.
For the LBD, this is easy enough since I have one reference set up correctly, and I just copy/paste it and change the author and article name manually. Since Logos does want I want using the SBL1 format (since beta 4 at least), this is not a major problem.
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Phillip J. Long said:
I think that the issue is footnotes vs. full bibliography. Logos is creating a footnote, I want an entry for my bibliography. In SBL 1, that is the same thing (I just rearrange the author's names). In SBL 2, there is a difference.
Phillip, thank you for following up with this clarifying comment; it was extremely helpful in understanding your use case. We discussed it further internally, including input from Abigail's expertise, and we've decided to leave SBL 2 footnote citations as they are, for these reasons:
- The current footnote is actually more compliant with SBL 2 styling for footnote citations from dictionaries. This will be the expected behavior for most people using this style.
- To get your desired behavior, your can either
- keep using SBL 1, or
- open the resource Information from the resource view (not the Library) to copy the article-specific bibliographic citation.
We'll also update our documentation in the Help file and elsewhere, to make this more transparent.
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Thanks, I have never opened the information tab like that before...that is helpful!
As is often observed, there are many ways to any one thing in Logos, always good to find another way to get at the information I need,