daily journal with notes

I am trying to follow the information in this link; https://blog.logos.com/learning-logos-how-to-create-a-daily-journal-with-notes/
I am not able to open My Utmost for His Highest (step in a way that the date shows as pictured. The two fields with the labels B and C so not appear so when I press for a new note there is no link to a date. I am sure I am missing something--I just don't know what.
Hi Norm - and welcome to the forums
Norm Peckham said:I am not able to open My Utmost for His Highest (step
in a way that the date shows as pictured.
I've just tried this and it worked for me as shown
Do you own the resource My Utmost for His Highest?
If so, what do you see in the field at the top of the resource when you open it? Please post a screenshot showing this (use the paperclip icon in the forum editor)
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Welcome to the user forums, Norm!
Is it possible that you use a version of My Utmost that has not been built as a Calendar Devotional (e.g. there seems to be an "updated edition in today's language" that came over from WordSearch which may be a type:monograph book)? The one Morris showed is LLS:20.10.2 and it is indexed by Day of Year.
The daily journal with notes idea should work with any type:calendar-devotional book - you may want to filter your library for this search string and then select one you own and use - at least the free https://www.logos.com/product/36567/connect-the-testaments-a-365-day-devotional-with-bible-reading-plan should come up and work for this.
Have joy in the Lord!
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In which field do you enter the resource you want? If I use the field with the search icon(the magnifying glass) I do not get the date field as in the instructions.
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Norm Peckham said:
In which field do you enter the resource you want?
That wasn't in the instructions. Here they are:
- Open Notes from the Tools menu (A)
- Open a calendar devotional such as My Utmost for His Highest (B)
- Notice today’s date in the reference box (C)
- Click New Note on the Notes Tool (D)
I just did this and it worked as expected. In my screenshot below, the notes tool is on the left, which was opened first (A). The resource is on the right, and was opened second (B). The resource shows todays date, indicating that the resource is in fact a calendar devotional (C). The new note has a date anchor (D).
Following the steps in order is important. Also note: The resource must be tagged as a calendar devotional. Graham asked for a screenshot of your resource, not of the notes tool.
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I think you may be confused by the photo in the blog article. For reference, here is the photo:
NOTE: This is a composite image, and does not represent a single panel, but rather two panels. One panel is the note tool (on top). The second panel is the resource (on bottom).
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Thank you gentleman for your help. I was confused by the blog post. Now I have it straight and it works for me too.
Thank you and God Bless
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Glad to help.
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