[BUG] Moffatt's NT Translation Wrongly Attributed (tagged) as a Bible Commentary

Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

One of my favorite old Bible Translations is Moffatt's translation, so I was excited to get it in Logos after the Word Search acquisition. However, the translation does't populate in my NT Bible comparison tools. It does however populate with my commentaries in the passage guide. This resource is NOT a commentary. It's a NT translation. See the product here.

Please Logos retag this resource to work as a Bible, not a commentary.

Thank you!

-would also love it if Logos would put his OT up on prepub. We have his NT, his commentaries. Now it makes sense to get his OT. 



  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,801

    The chances are that this is still in the process of conversion. Did you check the status page?

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,180

    MJ. Smith said:

    The chances are that this is still in the process of conversion.

    I don't think so. This is a Logos Research resource that existed long before the WordSearch deal: 


    The ToC of this NT doesn't look like a usual NT, since Moffat tried to arrange it according to the presumed writing dates, but other than that, we find the usual introductory remarks per book that will be in commentaries as well as many bibles, then bible text. Thus it should be type:bible, not type:"bible commentary".

    Since bible index is shared between commentaries and bibles, the Historical NT will work for many uses, but not all: everywhere where type:bible is specified or assumed, such as in text comparison, Moffat's translation won't be shown as available to use.  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,238

    I've got a case to look into this. There are a number of considerations we'll need to take into consideration when moving something from one type to a Bible.

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭

    NB, it’s a Bible. The only things in it that aren’t direct translations from NT Greek sources are the book introductions. Yes he re-orders some books, but that hardly makes this translation somehow a commentary. He does reorder some sections within books as well, but neither does that make it a commentary. There are no comments to be found at all. It’s a translation. Many other Bibles re-order books. That’s not a good reason to consider them commentaries. 

    MJ maybe you’re correct. But it’s already functional. So I assumed it to be boxed packaged and sold if I can already use it. Maybe I’m wrong. 

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭

    Thank you Kyle. No comments in this one at all. It’s purely a Bible translation with some re-ordering. Only actual writing of Moffatt are in the short book introductions.

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭

    I now notice that this book is no longer in my library. I know I had it in my library at the time of this post. I thought it was a carry over from the word search books that I had with the Logos acquisition. Does anyone know about this? Why would this no longer be in my library?

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,180

    Liam said:

    I now notice that this book is no longer in my library. I know I had it in my library at the time of this post. I thought it was a carry over from the word search books that I had with the Logos acquisition. Does anyone know about this? Why would this no longer be in my library?

    I think I remember from another thread that the version of Moffat's NT that this thread is about is slightly different to the one WS used to have (5 years older edition or so) thus FL decided to produce a new one for the former WS customers. You should now have / soon get this other resource, hopefully typed as a bible.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭

    Ah gotcha. Interesting. Wonder if it has a product page yet.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,180

    Liam said:

    Ah gotcha. Interesting. Wonder if it has a product page yet.

    No, not that I would have seen by looking for books by Moffat - and now that I looked up Moffat's NT coming over from WS on https://www.logos.com/wordsearch/library-migration and https://www.logos.com/wordsearch/catalog I've seen that 0:1740 is one of the few still in production.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,238

    NB.Mick said:

    Liam said:

    I now notice that this book is no longer in my library. I know I had it in my library at the time of this post. I thought it was a carry over from the word search books that I had with the Logos acquisition. Does anyone know about this? Why would this no longer be in my library?

    I think I remember from another thread that the version of Moffat's NT that this thread is about is slightly different to the one WS used to have (5 years older edition or so) thus FL decided to produce a new one for the former WS customers. You should now have / soon get this other resource, hopefully typed as a bible.

    This is exactly what happened. We finally got new files and are moving it into production. Expect to see preliminary version available in the next 2-4 weeks.

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭

    So.. this book is now back in my library. But..

    This Bible translation still is tagged as a commentary. It's been a year since the first post. Hoping that Logos actually plans on changing this. I have this prioritized with my Bibles, so its ahead of my commentaries. However since it's tagged as a commentary - it shows first in my prioritized commentaries. 

    Wish I could have this prioritized in the correct place in the passage guide.

    Not convinced anything will ever change with this resource. 

  • Kyle G. Anderson
    Kyle G. Anderson Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,238

    Hi Liam.

    I want to make sure I'm on the same page as you. There are two Moffatt titles we're talking about here.

    • Moffatt’s New Testament (LLS:WS_0_1740): This is a Bible and was made available in August.
    • The Historical New Testament: A New Translation (LLS:HISTORICALNT): This was classified as a Commentary. It's recently undergone work to make it function like a Bible. This update is available on December 7th. You may notice it is already classified as a "Bible". Although classified as a Bible you won't see it function until you download the update that is being pushed out on the 7th.

    Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding anything.

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭

    Hey Kyle thank you for the response and the update! I was referring to the latter. And I see that it is now functioning as a Bible in all the guides! Thank you very much! I’m excited to compare this version with others in some of the tools!