Inconsistent Navigation to Un-downloaded Products

Nick Steffen
Nick Steffen Member Posts: 673 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm experiencing inconsistencies in how Logos navigates to un-downloaded texts.

  • In the AYBD, a footnote directed me to Mounce's commentary on Revelation, which I have not yet downloaded. When I clicked on it, it brought up a page saying "This resource hasn't been downloaded yet, but here's a preview..." and it offers me the option to download it or open it in the web app.
  • A link to ANET, which I have purchased but not yet downloaded, opens the Power Lookup module and states "No resources found that contain this reference." It offers no download option or recognizes that I purchased the product.
  • I initially stumbled upon this behavior when trying to follow a link in the papal exhortation Verbum Domini to Sacrosanctum Concilium, which as above I had purchased but not downloaded. This brought up a Power Lookup module saying that "No resources in your library contain this reference" and then offers me the Spanish translation of SC for purchase. 

The first behavior seems very helpful, the second confusing, and third simply incorrect.  



  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,470

    The reason for the difference in behavior is that in the first example the link is actually a link to a specific resource. In the second and third example, the link to to a reference, which could be found in any number of books. The second and third links would open your top prioritized resource that contains the reference. However, since you don't own any books with the reference, it displays the Power Lookup panel instead.

    Ideally the Power Lookup panel would be able to suggest all possible unowned books that contain the reference, but unfortunately, at this time, the available books that can be suggested is limited. In the second example, it was unable to find a resource you do not own that contains the reference, and in the third example, the only resource that it could find that you didn't already own was the Spanish version.

    There are unfortunately many areas of the application that do not have any knowledge of the books which you haven't downloaded. It certainly would be useful if Power Lookup could search your undownloaded resources.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Nick Steffen
    Nick Steffen Member Posts: 673 ✭✭✭

    The second and third links would open your top prioritized resource that contains the reference. However, since you don't own any books with the reference, it displays the Power Lookup panel instead.

    I actually do own the books with those very references. I simply haven't downloaded them to my device.

    In the second example, it was unable to find a resource you do not own that contains the reference, and in the third example, the only resource that it could find that you didn't already own was the Spanish version. There are unfortunately many areas of the application that do not have any knowledge of the books which you haven't downloaded. It certainly would be useful if Power Lookup could search your undownloaded resources.

    Yes, it is unfortunate. The irony of the third case was that the Power Lookup was able to offer knowledge of an unowned book that had the reference, but appeared to have no knowledge of my owned [though un-downloaded] book that also had the reference. 

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,470

    I actually do own the books with those very references. I simply haven't downloaded them to my device.

    Sorry, I misstated. I should have said, "However, since you don't have downloaded any books with the reference, it displays the Power Lookup panel instead."

    Yes, it is unfortunate. The irony of the third case was that the Power Lookup was able to offer knowledge of an unowned book that had the reference, but appeared to have no knowledge of my owned [though un-downloaded] book that also had the reference. 

    I have submitted an internal suggestion to consider making changes to Power Lookup to add some support for non-downloaded resources.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Nick Steffen
    Nick Steffen Member Posts: 673 ✭✭✭

    Sorry, I misstated. I should have said, "However, since you don't have downloaded any books with the reference, it displays the Power Lookup panel instead."

    Ah, that totally makes sense. I appreciate the clarification.

    I have submitted an internal suggestion to consider making changes to Power Lookup to add some support for non-downloaded resources.

    Thanks, Andrew, for your attention on this!