BUG: Logos Crashes Upon Closing Video Course After Viewing Fullscreen

John R. Gentry
John R. Gentry Member Posts: 94 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi, I'm on a Macbook Air (M1). Several times in the last couple days when I go to close a tab containing the videos from a video course, Logos immediately crashes. This has happened with different courses and is not limited to a single course / resource. When logging the error (logs below), I discovered that simply opening the video course and then closing did not reproduce the error (at least not this time). But when I maximized / fullscreened (is that a verb?) the course, unmaximized / unfullscreened, and then clicked on the 'x' to close the tab with the video course, Logos immediately crashed. Here are the logs.


Have a great day and God bless!


