Bug: Error when opening Logos Help

When I open "Logos Help" resource the log file shows an error message:
"Could not open collection with specified name: CollectionId=ab4cbd5e-1b66-4468-bec1-2029dedda8ab|Title=Apologetics"
Repeatable. It does not occur with other resources.
I did have a collection called Apologetics but I deleted it on Nov 21 according to my documents (I use mytag:Apologetics instead).
Windows 11 & Android 13
[quote]2021-12-20 13:57:39.8780 INFO 1 PanelViewModel | Applying Resource panel settings for Preferences: GuestResourceListProviders=Collection%257cCollectionName%3dCollectionId%25253dab4cbd5e-1b66-4468-bec1-2029dedda8ab%25257cTitle%25253dApologetics|Headword=Copy%20Bible%20Verses|HeadwordLanguage=en|Locator=false|Milestone=Language%3den%7cResource%3dLLS:LOGOS4HELP%7cStartSegment%3d394958%7cVersion%3d20
Just turn off the Multi-resource display option in the panel toolbar. Then close the resource panel. After that, the log message shouldn't appear anymore. It shouldn't show up again, even if you turn that option back on.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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I had checked that no guest resources were selected, but I couldn't be sure about the actual "display" option. I tried a few variations with it but the message still appeared e.g. after syncing, but not within the AppCommand. It did not appear on the last two occasions.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
I had checked that no guest resources were selected
Yup, that makes sense. Nothing would show up, since apparently the selected collection no longer exists.
Dave Hooton said:I couldn't be sure about the actual "display" option.
You can tell whether it's on or off by the background color of the button. Here's "on":
Dave Hooton said:I tried a few variations with it but the message still appeared e.g. after syncing
Yes, most likely because it's saved as part of a layout or shortcut or something similar.
I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think it will cause any kind of problem.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Andrew Batishko said:
You can tell whether it's on or off by the background color of the button. Here's "on":
I meant that I wasn't checking its status before reporting the issue.
Andrew Batishko said:Yes, most likely because it's saved as part of a layout or shortcut or something similar.
I checked, and the layout was never loaded with that resource. I open it manually and I haven't used guest resources with it, let alone a collection. I opened it from Library and got the error message (not connected with Guest Resource List Providers). Since then it has not recurred however I open it!
===Windows 11 & Android 13