Program crashes when I try to make a reading plan in a monograph

I am using
Logos Bible Software 9.10
I wanted to make a reading plan for a monograph but when I click "start reading plan" it crashes after I choose the days of the week etc.
I have created plans in the past, but this is a new problem.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Jacobsen said:
I wanted to make a reading plan for a monograph but when I click "start reading plan" it crashes after I choose the days of the week etc.
Is this just with a particular monograph - if so, which one - or does it happen for all?
Which platform (Windows / Mac) are you running Logos on?
Please enable diagnostic logging and post logs in a reply to this thread after a crash and before restarting Logos.
Details on logging are at
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Thanks for the reply. I will try another book, but until then here is my log.
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I'm using Windows 10. Asus with a 1 tb ssd drive and 16 gb memory.
Also, not sure if you got the zip file. Whenever I click reply, I get an error message from the website.
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One more thing--I tried another monograph with the same results. The program just closes.
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I have noticed too that although the program closes when I attempt a reading plan, the Reading plan shows up in my Document drop-down list. But when I click on the reading plan, the program closes again.
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Scott Jacobsen said:
I am using
Logos Bible Software 9.10 wanted to make a reading plan for a monograph but when I click "start reading plan" it crashes after I choose the days of the week etc.
I have created plans in the past, but this is a new problem.
Thanks in advance,
Two questions, can you tell me what resources you tried this with and also if you have the resources downloaded?
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I tried it with these two (both downloaded)
Grace Unknown: The Heart of Reformed Theology
50 Core Truths of the Christian Faith: A Guide to Understanding and Teaching Theology
Scott Jacobsen said:
I am using
Logos Bible Software 9.10 wanted to make a reading plan for a monograph but when I click "start reading plan" it crashes after I choose the days of the week etc.
I have created plans in the past, but this is a new problem.
Thanks in advance,
Did you get your logs from a session where you recreated the crash? The logs get overwritten when you relaunch. If you could reproduce the crash. Then get your logs and post them before you relaunch the application.
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Here's a fresh log file. Thanks for the help.
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Scott Jacobsen said:
Here's a fresh log file. Thanks for the help.
Delete the folders CloudResourceManager and DownloadManager at
Then restart Logos
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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That seemed to work! Thank you.
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This problem started again, but this time I spoke with customer support. They suggested I change my computer's region to US rather than Canada. It seems to have worked!
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This problem started again, but this time I spoke with customer support. They suggested I change my computer's region to US rather than Canada. It seems to have worked!