Help --- with Sermon Builder Topics

It seems I don't understand how to or I cannot enter my own topics in a Sermon or in Sermon Manager. I'm getting to have some Sermons and so I thought I would determine topics for them. I have my own topics.... but when I type in my topic... I get a choice of a bunch of topics but none that match what I typed.... and then my topic won't work when I press "enter" because (I think) it doesn't match the choices it gives me. I would think I can set up my own topics for my sermons.....
Are the topice for Sermons already chosen by someone and we have to use one of their topics?
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
Topics are limited to the Preaching Themes to insure consistency for searching. You cannot add your own.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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The ability to do your own topic outside of the list is on our current roadmap of things to do. Thanks for adding to the request. We will see what we can do about prioritizing this in the near future.
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Thanks to all!
Austin..... you guys are amazing!
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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Thank you very much. I really need this functionality. I need to be able to add my own topics please. That is just how my brain works and flows. I would greatly appreciate you making this an update within the next 4-8 weeks. Amen.