BUG: Clicking distribution graph in BWS Guide returns BLANK results in Charts Tool

I did a BWS Guide on the Hebrew word for 'meditate' (הגה 1) and clicked on the distribution graph in the Translation section. The Charts Tool opened but didn't generate any results.
Logos Full Feature Set
However, in my separate Verbum installation (my feature set is Verbum 8 Fundamentals), I do get results in the old Graph Search Results tool:
Verbum with Verbum 8 Fundamentals feature set
I had the same issue when I clicked on the distribution graph in the Lemma section as well, no results.
Kiyah said:
I did a BWS Guide on the Hebrew word for 'meditate' (הגה 1) and clicked on the distribution graph in the Translation section. The Charts Tool opened but didn't generate any results.
I can't reproduce this - I wonder if some required resources is not downloaded, although I don't know what that would be.
Kiyah said:I had the same issue when I clicked on the distribution graph in the Lemma section as well
I don't see a distribution graph in the Lemma section, please clarify.
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Graham Criddle said:
I don't see a distribution graph in the Lemma section, please clarify.
Looks like you need to expand the Lemma section of the guide. It's collapsed.
Also, I ran a BWS on 1 ברא (create) and I did get results in the Charts Tool for that word. Not sure why it's not working for me for הגה 1.
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Graham Criddle said:
I can't reproduce this - I wonder if some required resources is not downloaded, although I don't know what that would be.
All my resources are downloaded to my hard drive except some Latin Perseus resources, and resources in Syriac, Coptic, and other languages I can't read or aren't in the Bible. Not sure what wouldn't be downloaded. I have downloads all turned on in Program Settings.
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Okay, super weird, but I restarted Logos and it's working now. I don't know what happened and why those words weren't working but other words were.
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Very strange - but glad its working now,