Tagging SDA Books In My Library

I am tagging the books in my library as SDA. I have gone through the following publishers: Pacific Press, Andrews University Press and Biblical Research Institute. How can I find any SDA books that I may not have tagged?
Faithlife already tagged the Adventist resources as "Adventist." If you type the term in the Library, you will see them.
Unless there is a resource they have not already tagged, you can add the tag yourself.0 -
Theo Rios said:
Faithlife already tagged the Adventist resources as "Adventist." If you type the term in the Library, you will see them.
Actually, I don't think so. Sometimes publishers have "Adventist" or "Adventists" in their legal name and sometimes it occurs in the subject field (even in a counter-cult book by Hoekema), but those together account for only a third of the books coming up in my library when filtering for that term. What you may see is that a number of fellow users used the mytag-functionality to tag such books as either SDA or Adventist - those would show up when you type the term in the library or - more precisely and more complete - filter for communitytag:(SDA, Adventist)
I think this will give a more complete tagging than going for individual publishers and authors - possibly giving some false positives. What lacks the communitytag right now (since this functionality is only showing the tag when a large enough number of users have applied it in their mytags) is Lynden's book "Ten minutes in the Word".
Have joy in the Lord!
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One book that you may have missed is The Story of Daniel the Prophet by Stephen Haskell.
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Michael Kinch said:
One book that you may have missed is The Story of Daniel the Prophet by Stephen Haskell.
I personally don't own that book - and for community tags to work on it, a number of its owners (probably at least 5) need to tag it as sda or Adventist
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
I think this will give a more complete tagging than going for individual publishers and authors - possibly giving some false positives. What lacks the communitytag right now (since this functionality is only showing the tag when a large enough number of users have applied it in their mytags) is Lynden's book "Ten minutes in the Word".
Thanks NB.
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