Best way to search for phrases in original languages?

Hi all,
I had a search, but could not find anything that answered my question (feel free to point to something I've missed!).
How would you go about searching for a phrase (not just a word) in the original languages? For example, in 2 Samuel 1:1, the phrase 'after the death of' is a repeated phrase in the OT. How would I search for the phrase from my English bible in the most efficient way?
Thanks in advance!
Dave Couch said:
How would you go about searching for a phrase (not just a word) in the original languages? For example, in 2 Samuel 1:1, the phrase 'after the death of' is a repeated phrase in the OT. How would I search for the phrase from my English bible in the most efficient way?
I'm not sure I fully understand your question - but this may be what you are looking for.
If you open an English and Hebrew Bible side by side, then select the English phrase you are interested in, you will see the corresponding words highlighted in the Hebrew Bible (assuming the Corresponding selection visual filter is set in the Hebrew Bible)
You can select those words in your Hebrew Bible, right-click, ensure Selection is selected on the right and then choose the Search -> Bible option on the right.
This results in that phrase being searched in your Hebrew Bible - and you can add an English translation to it if you wish
This would be more difficult if the words in the Hebrew Bible were not next to each other.
Is this the sort of thing you were looking for?
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I was sure I could do it, but had not toggled the 'corresponding selection' visual filter in my Hebrew Bible.0 -
Dave Couch said:
For example, in 2 Samuel 1:1, the phrase 'after the death of' is a repeated phrase in the OT. How would I search for the phrase from my English bible in the most efficient way?
One search idea is combining Lemma's OR Roots into a phrase (OR proximity search)
"<Lemma = lbs/he/אַחַ֫ר> <Lemma = lbs/he/מָ֫וֶת>"
<Root = lbs/he/אַחַ֫ר> BEFORE 1 WORD (<Root = lbs/he/מָ֫וֶת> OR <Root = lbs/he/מות>)
<Root = lbs/he/אַחַ֫ר> BEFORE 2 WORDS (<Root = lbs/he/מָ֫וֶת> OR <Root = lbs/he/מות>)
Keep Smiling [:)]