Highlighting not vertically centered on line -- doesn't match example in palette

I've noticed that when I set up a Highlighting style with a background color, the background color is centered (as I would expect it to be) in the sample shown in the highlighting palette:
But when I apply that highlighting style in a Bible or other book, the text is not vertically centered within the background color.
See how the color drops down below the line rather than having a bit above and a bit below the line?
I think this is not aesthetically pleasing.
I can't reproduce. Does that apply to all types of resource text (lower/upper, bolded, etc) in different resources?
Please provide a screenshot of your style.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Hi Rosie,
A screenshot with your style settings will help in trying to reproduce the issue.
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It would also be helpful to know where exactly you have applied that highlight. Which resource? You can use the panel menu get copy a url that will help us find the exact place.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Philana R. Crouch said:
A screenshot with your style settings will help in trying to reproduce the issue.
It's pretty straightforward, and it happens for even my simplest style that has only yellow background. This is the one I had used in the above screenshot, though. Note that the small caps formatting is set (though you cannot tell by the state of the button, which I think is problematic in the UI; that button should look "selected" if small caps is on). Solid color background, and every thing else is just the defaults.
The problem also happens with my basic "Bright Yellow Highlighting" style too, which has only a solid color background, nothing else.
Andrew Batishko said:It would also be helpful to know where exactly you have applied that highlight. Which resource? You can use the panel menu get copy a url that will help us find the exact place.
That particular screenshot was from Rev 4:2 in the TNIV (https://ref.ly/logosres/tniv?ref=BibleNIV.Re4.2), but it happens in any resource. See also this screenshot from Encyclopedia Britannica. I've made the text much larger so you can see the weird effect better.
The location is: https://ref.ly/logosres/ncybrtnncntdtn?hw=epiclesis&off=989&ctx=ower+of+the+Spirit.%0a~In+the+14th+century+
My Text Display program settings that might be relevant:
I'm running Logos on Windows 10.
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Thanks, Rosie,
I've been able to finally reproduce this and created a case.
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Philana R. Crouch said:
I've been able to finally reproduce this and created a case.
Thank you. It was odd to me that you had a hard time reproducing it since it happens for me all the time and has always been thus as far as I can remember.
What did you have to change to get it to reproduce?