Thompson Chain resources, was updated to Done

OV Member Posts: 286 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


Yesterday I got this message written above.

Can anyone help me find these Thompson Chain resources? If necessary, I can also buy them. I only hope that I am not blind in both eyes :-(

Many thanks and best regards



  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The "Thompson Chain resources" that was updated to Done appears to be this suggestion on the Feedback boards:

    That doesn't mean that the Thompson Chain resources are available in your library already; it just means that Faithlife can now check that item off their "to do" list.

    It looks like this product has gotten the green light and is available to purchase on but it is still listed there as a pre-pub that is "In production". That means it has enough orders already (or the will of the company) to make it a reality, but they are still working on getting the files ready. There is no ship-date listed yet. But if you put in your order now, you'll get it at the pre-pub price, which is a substantial savings over what the price will be when it goes "live" (ships).

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,179

    It looks like this product has gotten the green light and is available to purchase on but it is still listed there as a pre-pub that is "In production". That means it has enough orders already (or the will of the company) to make it a reality, but they are still working on getting the files ready.

    AFAIK This is true for "normal" PrePubs - in case of the WordSearch come-overs, this may be a little bit different on a case by case basis. All of those have been shipped to the users owning a license, and in most cases the files are ready (including being converted from automated WS-eBooks to Logos Research Editions with milestones, links etc). This is the case for Thompson Chain as well, so for users who owned the license from WS, the 12 resources are part of the logos Installation and work. So I can open the marginal notes to e.g. Isaiah 6:1, see that Thompson dates the event to 740 BC and has five bible verse chains associated with it, starting with #511 "Heavenly Vision" (which will continue in Isaiah 33:17), and I can click and look up this chain in the Topical Index and see it started with 1Kings 22:19 and will run through Rev 22:4 along with some X-refs to other topical chains like "Seeing God" etc. This is how a chain ref bible works (in paper as in software) and this is fully functional now.

    Thus, the only thing preventing non-WS users to get this - and many other former WS products - is a decision by FL to ship the product to Logos-original buyers. I think they didn't open the floodgates yet since they wanted to see the discussions happening about functionality issues in some resources, and maybe they want to stage this somewhat for the large number of products affected. Getting in on a PrePub price while those are available surely is a good idea.    

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    NB.Mick said:

    Thus, the only thing preventing non-WS users to get this - and many other former WS products - is a decision by FL to ship the product to Logos-original buyers.

    I inquired about a completely different resource, but one in the same boat. In the case of the book I inquired, there are still licensing issues to be arranged. WS users were grandfathered in, but new users can't acquire the resource at present until other issues have been satisfied. 

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  • Ronald Quick
    Ronald Quick Member Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭

    I had a Thompson Chain reference Bible years ago and really liked it. Given Logos’ capabilities, I debating whether I should get it because I wonder how much use it would actually get now. 

  • skypeace
    skypeace Member Posts: 251 ✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    for users who owned the license from WS, the 12 resources are part of the logos Installation and work.

    I only see 11 items in my installation, wondering what I might be missing?

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭

    I had a Thompson Chain reference Bible years ago and really liked it. Given Logos’ capabilities, I debating whether I should get it because I wonder how much use it would actually get now. 

    I bought Thompsons while in WordSearch.... and learned how to use it. To me the Thompson indexing of the related books in Thompsons is invaluable. There is a bit of a learning with the related books... but after that I'm almost sure you will find them valuable.  For a while, after I came to Logos, Thompsons wouldn't work as they were working on it... Now it works great. I have one layout which I call "Thompsons" which I use regularly. Great source of info.

    One thing I find.... is that Factbook and some of the Guides are not linked into my Thompsons and so when searching using the guides and such... I don't get info that some of the Thompsons books have.  Hopefully, this will be worked on in the future. Hope a, Hope a, Hope!!

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Roy
    Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭

    skypeace said:

    NB.Mick said:

    for users who owned the license from WS, the 12 resources are part of the logos Installation and work.

    I only see 11 items in my installation, wondering what I might be missing?

    This is what I have brought over from W.S.

  • Mm______Mm
    Mm______Mm Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    "how much use it would actually get now"

    That is the real question! My personal opinion is I believe Logos 9 with fact book can do everything much easier and faster than TCR. TCR was in the age of paper books and with digital in can search all your books in seconds.