BUG: Delete "useless" Markers

Hi all
When I read, I use Text markers (all different types of them, including own markers) a lot. Sometimes (and not too rarely!) it happens that I e.g. mark the wrong passage (a line too much, some words missing etc.) and I want to re-create the marker.
Up till now what I did was click somewhere in the marked text and select "remove mark", thinking it's all gone. Until I recently found out that this command does not delete the entry (that has been created somewhere in the "Notes") but merely remove the graphical parameters from it. As a result I have lots of "empty markers", meaning they refer to a bible passage or a bible passage or any other text portion but neither contain any "notes" (text) nor icons or colors etc. > they are visible exculsively in the Notes tool and don't serve for anything.
Now my question would be if there's a way to filter all these and delete them for good? In the notes, I can filter all of "Type Highlight", but I would need to go a step further and filter all with "Highlight empty".
Any Ideas on this?
Thanks in advance and best regards
Michael Abegg said:
Up till now what I did was click somewhere in the marked text and select "remove mark"
Where is this command available (is that its true name)?
What version of Mac or Windows are you using? What version of Logos?
Michael Abegg said:Now my question would be if there's a way to filter all these and delete them for good? In the notes, I can filter all of "Type Highlight", but I would need to go a step further and filter all with "Highlight empty".
This would be manual.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I agree!!!
I am left with a bunch of empty highlights as well, since I misunderstood the UI for years. And when I asked, they said there is no way to filter highlights by highlight type. I think the ability to filter highlights and notes by highlight type would be very helpful.
By the way, in iOS I believe the delete icon really does delete the highlight. For consistency, I believe Logos should change the desktop app to behave more like iOS (where it is implemented better).
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Dave Hooton said:Michael Abegg said:
Up till now what I did was click somewhere in the marked text and select "remove mark"
Where is this command available (is that its true name)?
OK, so it is the Selection Menu and is called Remove Highlighting. The Logos Help resource unhelpfully states "This will remove Highlights and Notes from the text." So it also removes Notes with the same unfortunate consequence. The help at https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032473711-Selection-Menu does not mention the Remove feature!
AFAIK this is a bug.
===Windows 11 & Android 13