Another thread on inability to erase highlights

Greg Member Posts: 75 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

There are multiple threads on the inability to erase highlights

I checked all those solutions including

  • unchecked all visual filters
  • cleared/erased highlights in other versions of the Bible
  • etc

Can anyone see why the highlights won't erase from this selection?  The whole chapter is highlighted.




  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Greg said:

    unchecked all visual filters

    Are you sure? Did you scroll the list? 

    Greg said:

    Can anyone see why the highlights won't erase from this selection?

    One reason why a "highlight" can't be deleted is that it is a search instead of a real highlight... although I don't think that is the case here unless you had the entire thing in quotes.

    Greg said:

    The whole chapter is highlighted.

    It looks like a note taken with an anchor of "Isaiah 5". That would give you exactly what is shown. 

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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    If those things dont work, try creating a brand new BLANK layout and then open the resource by itself. See if the highlight is persistent. 

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  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    Greg said:

    Can anyone see why the highlights won't erase from this selection? 

    If you highlight a portion of the highlight, do you get a pop-up that offers "edit notes" You should be able to change the highlight style to "none". see this explanation to a similar (but different) question - 

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    Greg said:

    Can anyone see why the highlights won't erase from this selection? 

    If you highlight a portion of the highlight, do you get a pop-up that offers "edit notes" You should be able to change the highlight style to "none". see this explanation to a similar (but different) question - 

    I will try this next time I see it, but I can confirm that I also have noticed highlighted passages that I did not highlight and I have not been able to get rid of them.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,106

    Greg said:

    Can anyone see why the highlights won't erase from this selection?  The whole chapter is highlighted.

    Look in the Notes tool for notes and highlights in Isaiah. There will be different records for multiple highlights/notes and you should be able to discern what needs to be deleted.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Greg
    Greg Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Thanks for the help everyone.

    Here are more images to show what I checked with no success.

    1.  Made sure my visual filters where all unchecked and made sure I had scrolled down to the bottom

    2.  Checked my notes/highlights for this chapter 5 of Isaiah

    I see no anchor on chapter 5

    All my notes/highlights are listed in order and for the 55 highlights I do have in Isaiah, I see i have a highlight on verse 3:12 and then nothing until verse 9:1-7

    Meaning, there is no note/highlight on Isaiah 5 whatsoever

    3.  I closed my usual "Daily Bible Reading" Layout, and selected a standard Layout, which I never use

    Then I reopened this bible (NASB95) and finally there is no highlighting on Isaiah 5

    So by starting over with a new layout it removes the highlighting.

    What does this tell me?

    Is there something wrong with my "Daily Bible Reading" Layout?

    What could be wrong in that Layout, that is not wrong in another Layout?

  • Greg
    Greg Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Hi everyone, I kept experimenting and you were right, it is related to a search

    I keep 4 different searches open that I use whenever needed, and I modify those searches as needed.

    One of those searches uses this syntax shown below

    I like to search for particular metaphors

    With this search open, all metaphors are being searched at all times, and therefore highlighted

    The entire chapter of Isaiah 5 is considered a Metaphore.

    Therefore it is highlighted with this tan colored highlighting

    Thanks everyone and always beware of tan colored highlighting

    The tan color is a dead giveaway that the highlighting comes from one of your open searches.

    Now I need to find a way and place to save the syntax of my search, without keeping the search open.

    I think I'll try to make it a "Favorite" in a folder within Favorites called Searches, for all my beloved searches with complex syntax

    Then I don't need to keep it open and running at all times.

    Thanks everyone!

  • John Connell
    John Connell Member Posts: 477 ✭✭

    Is it possible you have highlighted that chapter in two different Bible translations? You can check by turning Notes and Highlights (Corresponding) on and off in the Visual Filter.


    And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers (Mal 4:6a)

  • David Thomas
    David Thomas Member Posts: 3,272 ✭✭✭

    Greg said:

    The tan color is a dead giveaway that the highlighting comes from one of your open searches.

    Congratulations on finding a nuance that is helpful to others re: search results and highlighting! Thanks for your diligence to get to this root.

    Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).

  • Greg
    Greg Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Is it possible you have highlighted that chapter in two different Bible translations? You can check by turning Notes and Highlights (Corresponding) on and off in the Visual Filter.


    Yes, but that wasn't the problem.  Thanks for your hypotheses!

  • Greg
    Greg Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Thanks David

    Thanks JT, you were right that it was coming from a search that was open.

    This is the second time I've had an open search create highlighting that wouldn't go away and I was confused and forgot about the last time with the same problem.

    Saving the search as a Favorite, by dragging and dropping the search tab into a favorites folder solved the problem so I can easily find this search which has complex syntax.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Greg said:

    The tan color is a dead giveaway that the highlighting comes from one of your open searches.

    Yes... and no. 

    The "tan" color as you describe CAN be a highlighter color. Also, when performing a search on multiple items at once, the FIRST color is the "tan." Subsequent items will be other colors:

    This comes from a "basic" search where I first copied the biblical text and pasted it in without adding additional quote marks of my own. The first term is tan, the second term is blue, the third term is orange, etc.

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