Question about linking the Audio Greek NT bible to Greek NT

Can anyone point me in the right direction, I am trying to figure out how to connect the Audio Greek New Testament to a Greek New Testament (either NA28, UBS5, or SBL) so that I can utilize the read aloud feature. I know how to link resources, but that is not exactly what I am hoping for. What I would like is to have the Audio Greek New Testament being able to play alongside the Greek New Testament just like the ESV audio Bible will play alongside the ESV. If this has been answered already, sorry I couldn't quickly find anything. Thanks!
Macbook Pro | OSX 10.6.8 | 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 | 4 GB Ram | 320 GB HDD
Good morning Jeffrey. You should be able to do a "Ctrl+R" in your NA28 and hear the Scriptures.
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Thank you for replying, but Command + R does not seem to work. There is no play audio option in the menu for the Greek NT that I have in my library either. I wasn't sure if there was a way to link them to make them work.
Macbook Pro | OSX 10.6.8 | 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 | 4 GB Ram | 320 GB HDD
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Jeffrey Mashaw said:
What I would like is to have the Audio Greek New Testament being able to play alongside the Greek New Testament just like the ESV audio Bible will play alongside the ESV.
How do you do that with the ESV, and why doesn't it work with the Audio GNT (the Greek and Hebrew bibles do not have a Read Aloud feature)?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Jeffrey Mashaw said:
Thank you for replying, but Command + R does not seem to work. There is no play audio option in the menu for the Greek NT that I have in my library either. I wasn't sure if there was a way to link them to make them work.
You need to have this product: - it seems that for some reason, sometimes the audio files alone, without the linkage to the GNTs, is/was part of packages and won't work for playing from the bible text (but give you a dynamic price for the full product).
Have joy in the Lord!
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I am very thankful for Logos Hebrew and Greek resources, and video lessons.
There has been much improvement over the years, from Logos 6 to Logos 8. A big improvement in these lessons would be larger text, and no other tasks running on instructor's machine, such as the updating icon. Perhaps this has improved since last I did lessons.
I discovered another valuable resource for audio that could be used alongside Logos - and I realize there may be debate on best pronunciation. This site has both Hebrew and Greek.
Time in The Word is Time with The Most High.