Notes Tool Search Box- Unable to Produce Expected Results

Bill Member Posts: 380 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Dave, have you tried this? It doesn't produce any expected results for me

I have tried to search a word and a phrase  and Bible reference, but unsuccessfully. I have tried searching my note from within my Mark notebook on Mark 11:1-11 and it brings up many Mark notes but not that one.

If I search "light to the gentiles"  without selecting a notebook or from in my Mark notebook it brings up all kinds of notes and I still have to scroll down though to find the one with that phrase

Same thing with a word

Not helpful at all, so what am I missing?

Too soon old. Too late smart.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,149

    Hi Bill

    Please post a screenshot(s) of what you are describing.

    I've just tried searching for a phrase in the Notes Tool and it worked fine

  • Bill
    Bill Member Posts: 380 ✭✭✭

    Hi Graham

    Thanks for trying to help

    I'm think i'm starting to figure part of this out regarding why searching a word or phrase doesn't do as I expect. the search tool in Notes is not developed like the regular search tool, but maybe I'm not using the right terms to search.

    1 the word or phrase has to be totally unique in my notes for search to bring that note up to the top of the results list. In other words if I search for the word baptism it brings back every note with every word form- baptism, baptized, baptist somewhere within my notes. Then I have to scroll through all of them to find the one I want. Quotation marks don't help with a word or phrase,I tried.

    2 it would be a little less of a problem if search highlighted the word or phrase and sorted the results by the word form searched for.

    3 Now for a Bible reference search. Most of my notes have a Bible reference heading. If I search one of these, search doesn't seem to recognize it correctly.

    4 I made a note with a fictitious Bible verse to illustrate. The screen shot shows the results bring up anything with the chapter or verse number and doesn't eliminate results with a different book The actual reference note I searched for is the last result of 25 results. It also doesn't recognize : or . separators.

    5 Am I missing some search parameters that would give me the results I need in all of these searches? 

    Thank you for your help[:)]

    Too soon old. Too late smart.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,149

    Hi Bill

    Bill said:

    1 the word or phrase has to be totally unique in my notes for search to bring that note up to the top of the results list. In other words if I search for the word baptism it brings back every note with every word form- baptism, baptized, baptist somewhere within my notes. Then I have to scroll through all of them to find the one I want. Quotation marks don't help with a word or phrase,I tried.

    Apologies - when I was thinking about this earlier I forgot it was a known problem as per I don't think this has been addressed yet

    Bill said:

    2 it would be a little less of a problem if search highlighted the word or phrase and sorted the results by the word form searched for.

    Yes - I'm afraid this is a limitation that has been flagged by a number of people

    Bill said:

    5 Am I missing some search parameters that would give me the results I need in all of these searches? 

    I think this is best done using the Basic Search capability - as opposed to using the Notes Search - and specifying you want to search in Your Documents.

    This also handles searching for Bible references - both those used as anchors and those mentioned in the body of the note

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,106

    Bill said:

    5 Am I missing some search parameters that would give me the results I need in all of these searches? 

    No. It is a primitive word/partial word search, not a phrase search, of your annotations/notes. It has no passage recognition other than the words you use e.g. if you consistently use Is or Isaiah then Is will find them, and Is 124 will find Is 124 and Isaiah 124.

    A Basic Search of Your Documents could be more satisfactory, but it also looks at Anchors for a passage search!


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Bill
    Bill Member Posts: 380 ✭✭✭

    No. It is a primitive word/partial word search, not a phrase search, of your annotations/notes.

    Thank you Dave, so i've discovered.

    Maybe (guessing) FaithLife's intent was to replace the Note search with the basic search, I'm not sure basic fulfills every note search expectation, but if that were the case, maybe they should remove that search box in Notes so it doesn't  produce frustration and unfulfilled expectations as it does now. I think the current state of FaithLife Assistant is more useful than this search tool right now.[;)]

    I appreciate your responding and explanation[:)]

    Too soon old. Too late smart.

  • Bill
    Bill Member Posts: 380 ✭✭✭


    I replied to your helpful post but I don't see it here. I'll recheck in a bit and repost if necessary

    Too soon old. Too late smart.