Sympathetic Highlighting not Working?

What I can gather from the different threads on the forum is Sympathetic highlighting is hit or miss at this point.
At this point I have several bible versions pulled up, some in the multiple resource display and others in separate panes/windows/tabs. If I use my pointer and highlight some text in one, nothing happens in any of the other versions open. If I select the highlight marker from the pop-up and actually highlight the text I selected (turns yellow) then all the other bible versions produce a corresponding yellow highlight. If I remove the highlight, all the other versions comply.
But, as I understand it, this is not all that sympathetic highlighting is supposed to do, right? If I simply use my mouth to highlight a text (without selecting the actual highlight button from the popup) then it should highlight in all other texts? (when selecting the text in the first window it is highlighted in blue).
None of the bible filters have "sympathetic" as an option, but highlighting (corresponding).
Is sympathetic highlighting something different altogether that I do not have in my package (Logos 9 Academic Essentials)?
Found it.
There are two separate filters. One is Highlighting (Corresponding) that deals with actually highlighting the text and then there is also "Corresponding Selection." Checking this in the filters produces the results I was looking for, where I just select a given phrase in one bible and all other bibles display that selection as well.
It does work in separate windows and in the multiple resource displays as well.
Most importantly, I am able to highlight the NKJV in the OT and it auto highlights the same in the LXX, which Accordance could not do without having the Hebrew displayed on screen. This works MUCH better and for (I think) all of my bibles (except for my TR - Newberry). Works on my Majority - Byz text, and the critical texts (NA28, and SBLGNT).
Does anyone know if corresponding selection works in the Scrivener TR and the Lexham Vulgate?
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In order to work, the Bible must have a reverse interlinear. You can check for the RVI in the information panel for the resource - library or panel menu.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I do not own either so I have no way of checking. I didn't see it mentioned on the product page. Newberry TR is a G/E interlinear but no Corresponding Selection, which is odd, as the Lexham LXX (Swete) G/E Interlinear does have Corresponding Selection. I would hate to purchase the Scrivener TR and find out it also is without the feature.
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Steven Veach said:
Does anyone know if corresponding selection works in the Scrivener TR and the Lexham Vulgate?
As far as I can see - I've just tested them - neither of these support corresponding selection.
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Graham, that is really good to know and REALLY disappointing! ;-)
Thanks for checking before I spent more money..
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Graham Criddle said:Steven Veach said:
Does anyone know if corresponding selection works in the Scrivener TR and the Lexham Vulgate?
As far as I can see - I've just tested them - neither of these support corresponding selection.
I can confirm. However, if it's of interest, the Clementine Vulgate does support it.
EDIT of EDIT: I think that in the case of the Lexham Interlinear Vulgate, this resource supports corresponding selection only for the Latin text, since it has no underlying Greek or Hebrew text which usually is needed for this functionality. The reason is that this is not a reverse interlinear, but a classic, forward interlinear from Latin to English. We can be happy that FL implemented the corresponding features as far as possible with this data, i.e. through the Latin text. Thus there is a setting for corresponding selection in the VF menu:
Selecting text in the Lexham Interlinear Vulgate (LIV) won't select in the LEB and vice versa - they just don't share any matching data, the LEB not having Latin and the LIV not having Greek - however, if I select text in the Clementine Vulgate, it will invoke corresponding selection in the LIV and in the LEB. Selecting text in the LIV will invoke corresponding selection in the Clementine and vice versa, so part of the functionality is there.
Have joy in the Lord!
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However does support Sympathetic Highlighting.
That could be an option for you.
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I just saw a demonstration of Accordance doing this side by side highlighting. I have NIV84 and GNT:SBL Edition both open, and both set for "Corresponding Selection," but it doesn't appear to be working. Something I am doing wrong, or not doing correctly? Any ideas. (Logos
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Mine works when recreating this. highlights both from each text. I have "corresponding selection" checked for both. My NIV though is 2011. Are you running windows or mac? Mine is on Mac.
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Does your GTN SL have an interlinear for the NIV84 reverse interlinear to align with?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Warren Ryan said:
I have NIV84 and GNT:SBL Edition both open, and both set for "Corresponding Selection," but it doesn't appear to be working.
It does for me:
Is your NIV84 showing the RI button? (There was a way owning the NIV84 without RI functionality, and the UK spelling edition never even got the RI made for it). If so, it may be an indexing issue.
Have joy in the Lord!
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How do I determine if it is showing the RI button? Not familiar with that, I guess...
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I do have "Corresponding Selection" checked on both. I'm using Windows 10.
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Warren Ryan said:
How do I determine if it is showing the RI button?
It's the button I've outlined below in red - compare with the anglicised NIV84 on the left which doesn't have an RI.
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Thank you, Graham! Mine does indeed have the RI button. In the dropdown box, do I need to click on the "Inline Reverse Interlinear"?
And, the SBLGNT should work with the "Corresponding Selection"?0 -
Warren Ryan said:
In the dropdown box, do I need to click on the "Inline Reverse Interlinear"?
No - it was simply a check to see if you had the required resource
Warren Ryan said:And, the SBLGNT should work with the "Corresponding Selection"?
Yes it should - as per the screenshot below
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OK. I think it is working now. Does it only work when you drag across the test and highlight it, or is there a way that it would work with simply hovering over the words as you read through the passage?
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Warren Ryan said:
Does it only work when you drag across the test and highlight it,
Yes - that's right
Warren Ryan said:or is there a way that it would work with simply hovering over the words as you read through the passage?
No - that doesn't work here?
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Warren Ryan said:
is there a way that it would work with simply hovering over the words as you read through the passage?
That's sounds like the Corresponding Words visual filter, not Corresponding Selection. See details in the Visual Filters section of the help file.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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They're correct. You're looking for Corresponding Words not Corresponding Selection. Make sure that in the Filter's dropdown you have "hover" selected rather than click on both texts. Then it should work the way you want.