BUG: Search term "plot" causes crash

Jeff Miles
Jeff Miles Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

As indicated in the subject line, if I run a Bible search for the term "plot" the program crashes. I can search for other terms no problem. That word apparently triggers something.

I am running Logos 9, version, on a Windows 11 laptop with all of the current updates applied. The machine has an 11th generation i7, with 16GB ram.



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,179

    if I run a Bible search for the term "plot" the program crashes. I can search for other terms no problem. That word apparently triggers something.

    It might help if you turned on http://wiki.logos.com/Diagnostic_Logging and uploaded your logs, they might capture the 'something' that was triggered (of course I tried, being curious, but this search didn't crash on my machine).

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Interesting. I can't reproduce this. What settings in your search tab are you using? Is it the defaults (All Bible Text, Entire Bible, All Bibles)? Or something else?

    And I echo NB.Mick. Log files will be vital for tracking this down if others cannot reproduce it.

  • Savanna Lineberger
    Savanna Lineberger Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 805

    As indicated in the subject line, if I run a Bible search for the term "plot" the program crashes. I can search for other terms no problem. That word apparently triggers something.

    I am running Logos 9, version, on a Windows 11 laptop with all of the current updates applied. The machine has an 11th generation i7, with 16GB ram.

    Hi Jeff, 

    I have also not been able to reproduce this, but I was able to track down your crash logs. I will continue to look into this, but it would be helpful to get a screenshot of your search settings like Rosie suggested.

  • Jeff Miles
    Jeff Miles Member Posts: 59 ✭✭

    I am getting the same crash on my desktop computer running the same version of Logos, under Windows 10, with a i5-6400 CPU and 8GB ram.

    In response to the questions about the kind of search I am doing. It is a simple Bible search. Nothing fancy or exotic. Set to "All Bible Text". It crashes whether it is set to "All Passages" or some subset. It crashes weather set to "NIV" or "Top Bibles". In the search box I am entering the word "plot". That's it.

    I have attached my log files as directed (at least I think I have).


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,106

    I have attached my log files as directed (at least I think I have).


    Yes, you have!

    I cannot reproduce but your crash appears to be coming from Fuzzy Bible Search.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Savanna Lineberger
    Savanna Lineberger Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 805

    I am getting the same crash on my desktop computer running the same version of Logos, under Windows 10, with a i5-6400 CPU and 8GB ram.

    In response to the questions about the kind of search I am doing. It is a simple Bible search. Nothing fancy or exotic. Set to "All Bible Text". It crashes whether it is set to "All Passages" or some subset. It crashes weather set to "NIV" or "Top Bibles". In the search box I am entering the word "plot". That's it.

    I have attached my log files as directed (at least I think I have).


    Hi Jeff, 

    Thank you for providing that extra information. I will write up a case for this.