Thoughts on the iPad Mini 6?..

Hello! I just watched a few videos on how great the iPad mini 6 works as an ereader and I’m pretty compelled. However I haven’t heard how Logps runs on it specifically, or the thoughts of Logos readers/users specifically. So - all that said, what are your thoughts on the iPad Mini 6?..
Thanks everybody!
I use an iPad Mini 4, so not quite your question. Haven't seen any reason to upgrade yet.
But a few comments:
- The button to fingerprint you is fine for a regular way to sit using it. But nothing like the face recognition of the larger iPad, when odd positions reading.
- Weight-wise, it's not competitive with my Oasis. Just talking reading pleasure. And not that much lighter than an iPad.
- Nothing plus/minus on it's Logos app ability ... just a smaller screen than an iPad.
- Of course, its primary benefit is pursability ... not an issue for you.
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I have a Mini 6. Great device all around. It is very light (even in a case). It’s the size/weight of an average book, so it is easy to hold it for a long time when reading.
I like to use it with the speak screen function that reads my Logos resources to me through my Bluetooth earbuds and turns the pages for me while I am working out.
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Have a 11 pro and a mini 6. fwiw I use the mini 90% of the time or more.
currently on sale for 399 so get one now if you’re in the — — — —
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Also - was really curious how the multitasking function worked with the Logos app. My main interest in this would be to open the Logos app side by side with an app like Kindle or Marvin - or Dynalist for note taking (or Arcing!). This would be one of my main purposes in purchasing the iPad - but I‘m not very familiar with the multitasking function and am not sure if the Logos app is even able to do it. Does anyone have experience using it with multitasking?
Thanks all!
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Liam said:
Also - was really curious how the multitasking function worked with the Logos app. My main interest in this would be to open the Logos app side by side with an app like Kindle or Marvin - or Dynalist for note taking (or Arcing!). This would be one of my main purposes in purchasing the iPad - but I‘m not very familiar with the multitasking function and am not sure if the Logos app is even able to do it. Does anyone have experience using it with multitasking?
Thanks all!
The Mini 6 can multitask in both portrait and landscape modes, but there isn't much room for doing anything on a Mini when you split the screen. Even on an 11-inch iPad Pro multitasking doesn't give you a lot of room, although you will have more than the Mini. On a 12.9-inch iPad Pro, in landscape mode you have the equivalent to two iPad Mini screens side by side. It's much better for multitasking.
You could use slide-over mode. You could have your Logos app open in the full screen mode and then slide over your notetaking app when you wanted to add a note and then slide it back off the screen to go on reading in the Logos app.
Here's a link on multasking on an iPad:
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Thank you Bill & DMB! Those are very helpful! Thanks for the pics DMB! I think I would mostly be using it in landscape mode so it would basically be the equivalent of two very large phone screens side by side. However I would also love if it could split the screen horizontally when the iPad was in a portrait orientation. Not sure if it can do that - but I’m hoping it would basically accomplish the same views you can get when you are using the normal split screen in portrait on the Logos app - say top screen a Bible in Logos, and bottom screen a commentary in the Kindle app. Better yet - maybe even 3 screens at once - Logos with its own split screen running two resources on top - and the kindle app as well below (though - things would obviously get very crowded quickly..).
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Yes ... portrait is basically what I use the multiple apps view for ... 2 FL apps, and both split view. I have one with largely OL stuff (OT/LXX/NT), and the other Bible and monograph (the monograph being the point ... I use desktop for more serious Bible study).
Although iOS includes 3 tiny buttons on the top (which messes up several of my apps), I keep the FL apps in the lower display panel, where it's easy to quickly drag-and-add an app (then later subtract when done) as I read along.
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I had a Mini 4. It handled the Logos app just fine. I imagine the 6 will do likewise. I did upgrade to the Air 3 because I wanted a larger screen.
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
Thanks guys! Thanks for the pics Bill. Oh yeah I see how the screen gets cramped pretty quick! Hoping the text can get much smaller than what you have pictured there. Bummer that it can’t have a upper and lower split screen in portrait. However the landscape does look like it would workout well - as long as I can shrink the text a bit down. Thank you guys for the shots and information!
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Thank you but how do you get it to read screen ?
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I would like to know how it is to ONLY read Logos Books inside and outdoors? Is there much of a glare, eyestrain, jelly roll when changing pages, etc.? Is it easy to mark content with the pen or does it take 3-4 steps to choose the color, etc.
I have a Surface Pro 9 but its too heavy. I may still keep it but wondered about getting a better E-Reader for my Logos books and note-taking/highlighting.
What is best for reading and marking Logos book content?
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JoshInRI said:
What is best for reading and marking Logos book content?
I know this was an old thread, but I'll reply to both the old and the new questions [:)]
Best for reading? A device with an E-ink display. You cannot easily export anything from Logos to such device. Some here on the forum are trying out Android devices that run the Logos mobile for Android app. I'm not really sure how much success they are having. But if all I am doing is reading a book, my really old Kindle Paperwhite is better than the newest iPad. I wish there were an easy way to read Logos books on it ...
Best for reading and marking Logos book content? the Logos software already has had highlighting for a long time. But people lately are getting excited over devices with pens that let you make a squiggly highlight by hand instead of the perfectly good computer highlighting. Personally, if I want to highlight with squiggly lines I would get a printed book to do it in.
For the OP, its a little late for my answer, but maybe it can help others. I had an iPad. I didn't like it because it was too big. I now have a mini, which I really like. Obviously this is personal preference. Some like a larger tablet. My opinion is that a full size and especially the pro are almost as big as a laptop computer. You might as well have a laptop.
What does an iPad pro have that a macbook does not? only two things. a touch screen. And lack of a keyboard with in theory makes it more portable. yet many who buy the iPads end up getting a keyboard of some type anyway, so the only real advantage then is the touchscreen.
In order to get the touchscreen, you give up the ability to run real computer software, and are limited to just apps from an app store. These apps keep improving, which is nice. But to do serious work, you still need a real computer.
On the touchscreen issue, as I understand it Steve Jobs was against a macbook with a touchscreen. But things at Apple may have changed. In a few years, it is likely we will be able to buy a macbook that has a touchscreen, and of course the M series can already run the iOS apps that the iPhone and iPad now run.
I have a 2020 Macbook Pro with an Intel chip. It is only a 13" model, so I have considered getting a larger one. But I have decided to hold off on that until they have a touchscreen model out.