I just installed Logos 9

And the app wants me to install a bunch of software that I cannot select from. I am curious as to what Logos is pushing here. I have installed Logos before and had all the software that I never used or wanted to use but was installed anyways, and I couldn't get rid of it. Why does Logos force you to install what THEY want you to install and you cannot select what you want and what you don't want. I don't like this at all. I also use Olive Tree and I LOVE how they manage their resources. Also, Logos ALWAYS runs so very slow, most likely because it has all these resources installed slowing it down. That's why I love Olive Tree and switched to using that mainly because 1, it lets YOU decide what you want installed, and 2, it doesn't slow down the app as you have selected the content YOU wanted and not what THEY wanted to push on you. I feel like I made a mistake in coming back to Logos. Can someone help me here? I don't want to install this software unless I am guaranteed that I can delete everything I don't want installed and only install those things I prefer to be installed. Thanks.
Hi Daniel - and welcome to the forums
We need a few more details
What software are you referring to that you aren't able to select from? Is this about resources you don't want to download or something else?
You can choose to keep some resources in the cloud until needed - https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025106492-Select-which-resources-to-download#Download - if that helps at all
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Daniel Lee said:
And the app wants me to install a bunch of software that I cannot select from. I am curious as to what Logos is pushing here. I have installed Logos before and had all the software that I never used or wanted to use but was installed anyways, and I couldn't get rid of it. Why does Logos force you to install what THEY want you to install and you cannot select what you want and what you don't want. I don't like this at all. I also use Olive Tree and I LOVE how they manage their resources. Also, Logos ALWAYS runs so very slow, most likely because it has all these resources installed slowing it down. That's why I love Olive Tree and switched to using that mainly because 1, it lets YOU decide what you want installed, and 2, it doesn't slow down the app as you have selected the content YOU wanted and not what THEY wanted to push on you. I feel like I made a mistake in coming back to Logos. Can someone help me here? I don't want to install this software unless I am guaranteed that I can delete everything I don't want installed and only install those things I prefer to be installed. Thanks.
Daniel Lee....
1. I assure you that you can "delete" resources in Logos... but I strongly suggest that you wait a while to do so. "Haste makes waste" as they say. And I suggest that you "Hide" a book or resource instead of deleting it.
2. Logos and Olive Tree are different. I have used both and a couple of other "Bible programs". I think Logos is more "powerful" in that it does a lot more than Olive Tree.... and with that "power" comes complexity that causes a bigger learning curve. Right now... you are used to Olive Tree and not used to Logos.... keep that in mind...
3. As to Logos being slow.... that could depend on your machine.. You need at very minimum 8 gig of ram and some say that if that is all you have it will run slow. Logos is a memory hog. Some will argue that you need 16 gig of ram.... some have 32 gig of ram.... If I was a betting man.... I would bet that Logos will run great with 12 gig of ram...IMHO.....
Also if your disk drive is over 3/4 full.... then the disk drive will slow you down because of what is called "file swapping" which happens on the disk drive. And .... if your machine has old processors.... then many of today's programs will run slow as they are programmed to take advantage of the newer processors processing speed.
4. It is a fact... that the more powerful a program is.... the steeper the learning curve... or the more time it takes to learn the program because of all the flexibility that is built into the program to make it so powerful. Logos certainly fits that bill.
5. As to Logos "Pushing".... As far as I know and have learned... Logos does not "push" anything in the Logos program... I have found that if I am looking for a certain book in my Logos... using search or such.... that if Logos doesn't find it in my files... then I have seen suggestions that if it is in Logos store... that Logos will suggest it to me to buy... which I find ok..... still my choice to buy or not.
But Logos is sold, for the most part, in "packages". And you may get some resources in the package you bought that you may not want... but again I refer you to No. 1 above in that case.
6. One last thing I will strongly suggest that you will find.... With Logos... and this forum.... you have a world of help at your fingertips... You can ask questions... complain (hopefully in a kind way) ... and get the knowledge and help of people (like Graham above.... and others).... so Read through the forums.... search the forums for your questions.... look at the videos that are available (some free ones on You Tube)... and most of all be patient with the learning curve in Logos.... and ask away in the forums....... Patience is something I find I need to learn over and over and over.... lol.
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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I just finished installing Logos 9 a couple of days back. It was a strange experience. Like you, I didn't want the whole 6K caboodle coming down. We use 100% cellular ... always traveling here and there.
On the Logos site, it says you can choose everything, a 'curated' download, or what you want. Which turned out not to be true. It was everything, or curated ... what's curated???
But the solution turned out to be select one of the two, and then stop the download. Then I selected what I wanted. That worked pretty decent ... you can't select 'download my (big) layout' ... one at a time for that. You can select a bunch and download, though (eg commentaries).
The last step was strange as well. After I got what I wanted, it would do CitedBy lookups (my favorite), but no Factbook. Yes!! But then it wouldn't do right-clicks beyond basic searches. The only choice I could see was it wanted to do some 'updates'. That turned out to be datasets for the Factbook and lookups. Now all is well ... my curated Logos ... not theirs.
And quite fast .... but a new machine.
As above, you can remove unwanted resources from your library ... you drag them to the 'Hidden' area which is at the bottom of the Settings panel. The curiousity there, was what would happen if they're not downloaded? Would they disappear? Initially, the answer was 'nothing happened' ... you could drag all day long, and still in my library. But eventually, I read the Help article ... tricky key-combo!
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Well, I have noticed that Logos 9 is not Mac friendly when it comes to battery drain. Just using it normally I noticed that it drew more power than any of the apps I use regularly on my Macbook Pro.
As for machine type, I think mine can handle Logos quite well as I have the 2020 Macbook Pro M1 maxed out, meaning 16GB RAM and the 8 core GPU. I believe it is running solely on Rosetta, as Logos has not made their software M1 capable as of yet (hopefully soon?) Not totally sure about that. Since it is drawing a LOT of power from my M1 machine, I would have to say that it is not M1 capable yet.
My disk drive still has over 800gb of free space and has never gone beyond that amount as I have not installed very many programs.
Logos is definitely powerful, but it is not really user friendly. One thing I wish Logos had is the ability to use Bible's while online, like YouVersion does. I have to use the KJV because the NKJV is still 10 bucks for some reason. I suppose I can understand that. I just don't want to buy yet another copy of the NKJV for another Bible software. I use three Bible programs now. I use Logos, Olive Tree and e-Sword. I bought the NKJV for OT and e-Sword. I'll have to ponder whether buying the NKJV again is feasible.
What I do not like about Logos is their packaged products. It is curated to what THEY think you want instead of giving you a choice in what you would like in your collection. Sure, things are free and they make that available for us, but if I am planning on buying certain packages, then they need to give ME the option to refuse some content and add my own. Make it more user friendly, not curated to what THEY think you should have.
All this said, being used to Olive Tree and not Logos is not that far a stretch. I can see your point. However, Olive Tree is a world easier to use, even at first boot up. I had to go searching how to even open a Bible on Logos. There should be a standalone Bible tab, like in Olive Tree or other Bible programs, making it easier to access your Bible's without going to your purchases and selecting them.
I know some companies do it differently, but we all desire an easy UI.
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Daniel Lee said:
One thing I wish Logos had is the ability to use Bible's while online, like YouVersion does.
You can read a range of Bibles (including NKJV) online for free at biblia.com but this doesn't give you acces to any of the Logos features. You can access some Bibles online (not including NKJV) at app.logos.com
Daniel Lee said:What I do not like about Logos is their packaged products. It is curated to what THEY think you want instead of giving you a choice in what you would like in your collection. Sure, things are free and they make that available for us, but if I am planning on buying certain packages, then they need to give ME the option to refuse some content and add my own
This has been raised various times before and, on occasion, Faithife do offer the option to customise bundles in a range of ways, but my understanding is that this is linked to what publishers enable them to do (I could be wrong).
Daniel Lee said:There should be a standalone Bible tab, like in Olive Tree or other Bible programs, making it easier to access your Bible's without going to your purchases and selecting them.
In your library, you can use the filter string type:bible so that only Bibles are shown and you can open one from there.
Or you can type a command such as open esv in the command box which will open that version. If you wish you can drag that command to the Favorites area which gives you a button to press to open it in the future
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Thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated. I decided to uninstall Logos 9, still too slow for the M1 Mac and a battery drainer as it took up a lot of power rather than my browser or other apps I use daily. I really like that it is fully loaded with tons of features, but I couldn't get around some of the issues that were plaguing me and my machine.
I really appreciate it and thank you all for responding and helping me with the app. God bless you all.
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Daniel Lee said:
Thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated. I decided to uninstall Logos 9, still too slow for the M1 Mac and a battery drainer as it took up a lot of power rather than my browser or other apps I use daily. I really like that it is fully loaded with tons of features, but I couldn't get around some of the issues that were plaguing me and my machine.
I really appreciate it and thank you all for responding and helping me with the app. God bless you all.
You can actually use Logos online in your browser, at app.logos.com which doesn’t give you all the features but gives you most of them.