Recurring issues - Send hyperlinks here & layouts not working

EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Today, I tried to follow up MP webinar on unsing Thompson Chain Reference Bible (which I have it in spanish. BTW, is totally differente, in English there are a set of separete resources. Whatever. Don't know if this makes a difference in some way). Well, I just couldn't. Old familiar problems resurfaced. Hyperlinks didn't work, layouts dont't work either.

For example, when i click on a Bible reference in Thompson, the link was sended to itself, and this sync with the Bible panel next to it. The "hyperlink here" is ignored.

I'll let the layouts for later...

NOTE: BTW, I installed Logos in a brand new iOS. But the problem of layouts remained the same.



  • Wolfgang Schneider
    Wolfgang Schneider Member Posts: 679 ✭✭✭

    Hmn ... it looks as if it all did work as planned.   

    The top two panels (linkset A) remained in place while clicking on the reference Joh 8:1-4 (in this case in the bottom Thompson panel) caused the bottom panels (linkset B) to move, first the target panel Bible opened to Joh 8:1-4, and Thompson followed suit.

    What happens when you open a different verse or section in Bible A which then has Thompson A show some topics with Bible references, and then you click on a reference in Thompson A ? With that click, Bible B (as designated target) should go to that verse or section and Thompson B should also jump there ....

    Wolfgang Schneider


  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭

    I watched that same webinar.  I did have trouble when Morris clicked on a duplicate Bible and then brought it down under the original Bible and made a column with both Bibles in it.  My Logos abruptly closed on me. I tried this 3 times... and gave up on that.

    I don't know why my Logos closed...  could be that I moved the duplicate Bible to a place the Logos software didn't recognize on screen ....

    But the "send hyperlinks here" did work.  I had to be focused on the book where I wanted the hyperlinks to go then click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of that pane then choose "send hyperlinks here" ... and it worked. 

    After the video.... I pIayed with it some..... set up my screen like Morris had his (crashed Logos a few times by clicking and moving one resource under another ) but did set up ...where I had 2 Bibles ... 2 Thompson Chain Margin Notes.... and Thompsons Chain Index... and then designated one Bible and one Thompson Margin Notes as link "B"  Then set the Bible in link "B" as "send all hyperlinks here" and everything worked just like Morris said. 

    I think it was a good video for anyone that wants to understand Thompson Chain Reference Bible more, but as Morris said.... he only wet the whistle as to the full potential of Thompsons.. I think Thompsons is a great resource with a Bible program like Logos. 

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

    Gracias, gracias. [:)]

    I've done tests on W11 & Mac. So far the "Send Hyperlink Here" seems to be failing only with "Notas de la Biblia de Referencia Thomson" (sic), which ends up sending the hyperlinks to its own panel.

    Could someone confirm if the Spanish resource has a bug? As I said, this resource consists of a single volume with all the aids, graphics, archeological supplement, etc. of the Thompson Bible. In English the resource it comes with a set of separated resources.

    The best for you all sirs!

  • Roy
    Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭


    I am not sure what link exactly you clicked on.

    I see two panels - link set A, ok.

    I see two panels - link set B, ok.

    I see one link set B panel designated as the "Send Hyperlinks here", ok.

    But I do not see what link you clicked on. Was it in one of the A panels or in one of the B panels?

    Was it a bible verse hyperlink? Was it a topic link?

    I can say this (although it is not really what you complained about) when you click on a link you really need to be sure that your mouse does NOT move at all during the click. I have many instances where instead of the link opening in the desired target panel, a whole new panel opens up.

    I have to make really sure that I do not move the mouse at all when I click the link.

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

    Hello and thanks for your time!

    Actually at this moment I've made a lot combinations. In synthesis all the hyperlinks clicked on Bible Thompson. The "send hyperlink here" function doesn't work.

    Note: the layout shown above, was trying to follow along the MP Webinar.

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,905 ✭✭✭

    I may be wrong about this.... but wouldn't you want your "target"   to be your Bible in "B" to send all the hyperlinks too?

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Roy
    Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭


    You still have not really answered my question to you.

    1) Where is the link you are clicking on (in which tab, A or B)?

    2) What "type" of link are you clicking on, a VERSE link or a TOPIC link?

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

    Roy said:


    You still have not really answered my question to you.

    1) Where is the link you are clicking on (in which tab, A or B)?

    2) What "type" of link are you clicking on, a VERSE link or a TOPIC link? 

    Sorry Roy. You've been very kind.

    In Link Set A there are a RVR60 and a Thompson Notes (remember, in one single volume). In Link Set B, there are duplicated copy of them. The RVR60 in B  is the Hyperlinks target. Actually is the same layout you showed. But doesn't work. When click in A Thompson, the B target RVR60 is ignored, and the click take me to that reference in the same panel (the A Thompson). 

    Clicking a verse or topic, the same behaviour. Performs the link into the same panel.

    I've already ask for support but told me to bring the issue here. Thanks again. 

  • Roy
    Roy Member Posts: 965 ✭✭


    No need to apologize Brother, I wanted to be sure we are on the same page.

    If I remember correctly, I think that the Spanish version of Thompson's is an older one. It may very well not be tagged like the just released English version is.

    If you can afford it, you might want to take advantage of the Morris Proctor Webinar Special pricing for the English version of Thompson's.

    It will work with your Spanish bibles. I do not know how comfortable you are with English but the links will at least work for you. Remember you would have 30 days to return the English version if you feel it was not for you.

    I do have a couple Spanish version Bibles, I can not read the language but I could tell that the links were working properly (as per my screen shot). I do not have the Spanish version of Thompson or I would test that for you. Sorry I can not be of more help.

  • Kevin Hickey
    Kevin Hickey Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I have to agree that the problem is intermittent on my MacBook Pro. I have the latest update on the MacBook and the latest version of Logos. I opened an incident with the tech team and waiting to hear back. This is on the English version.

    Because He Lives!

    Kevin Hickey

  • Wolfgang Schneider
    Wolfgang Schneider Member Posts: 679 ✭✭✭

    Just noticed in your screenshot that the Spanish Thompson in linkset A shows "Page 1516" rather than the same Bible reference "Philippians 3,14-15" from the Bible in linkset A. This indicates that the Spanish Thompson is not a versified resource and therefore is not really linked to the Bible even though you set the same linkset A for both.   Links in a linkset only work with resources of the same type. 

    I'd suggest to contact the Spanish team at Faithlife / Logos to explore further details about upgrading your Spanish Thompson resource to the new Thompson Chain Bible now available.

    Wolfgang Schneider


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,178

    Just noticed in your screenshot that the Spanish Thompson in linkset A shows "Page 1516" rather than the same Bible reference "Philippians 3,14-15" from the Bible in linkset A. This indicates that the Spanish Thompson is not a versified resource and therefore is not really linked to the Bible even though you set the same linkset A for both.   Links in a linkset only work with resources of the same type. 

    From the information page Roger shared above, the resource is indexed by bible. The locator bar may either show pages or bible index (that's the same in the English language Thompson Chain Marginal Notes resource).

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Wolfgang Schneider
    Wolfgang Schneider Member Posts: 679 ✭✭✭

    NB.Mick said:

    From the information page Roger shared above, the resource is indexed by bible. The locator bar may either show pages or bible index (that's the same in the English language Thompson Chain Marginal Notes resource).

    Hmn ... any idea what else may be the reason for his trouble?  others posting don't seem to have this problem ... where is the difference that might be responsible for linking not working as in other users' same layout?

    Wolfgang Schneider


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,178

    Hmn ... any idea what else may be the reason for his trouble?

    Actually not. I was hoping that maybe another user who owns the Spanish Thompson Study Bible could shed light on this (if it was available for some less $$ I'd consider buying it myself and trying out).  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

    Roy said:

    (---) Remember you would have 30 days to return the English version if you feel it was not for you.

    I'll go for it, Roy! [:D]

    I have an all-out war with English! Yes, I think I'll take your suggest. As you may have noticed, English it's not my mother tongue, but there is much more resources available in English. It seems to me that, as our brohter says above, the Spanish version of Thompson Bible is still raw.

    And thank you all for your interest and help.

    EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

    I have to agree that the problem is intermittent on my MacBook Pro.

    That's right.

    I'd suggest to contact the Spanish team...

    I've already did. And they remited me here. 

    NB.Mick said:

    The locator bar may either show pages or bible index (that's the same in the English language Thompson Chain Marginal Notes resource).


    Thanks every body.