Searching for when God is being glorified

Trying to search for when glory is given to God by others. I've tried clause search with "verb-sense:to glorify INTERSECTS object:God" but get very fewer results than I would expect. John 15:8, the passage I'm working from.
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God is the subject of "to be glorified." I think the search you are trying to do is:
(verb-sense:to be glorified subject:God) OR (verb-sense:to glorify object:God)
It is helpful to do a search for verb-sense:to be glorified and to click "Analysis" to see how the underlying tagging works on the passages you are considering.
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
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As a Bible Search try <Sense = to be glorified> WITHIN {Section<PreachingTheme = Glory>}.
I right-clicked Jn 15:8 and looked for entries that reflected "glorified". I found "Glory" after expanding the first Preaching Theme and used the suggested Sense term as well.
Justin suggested a Clause Search with <Sense = to glorify>, and this can be included:
(<Sense = to glorify>, <Sense = to be glorified>) WITHIN {Section<PreachingTheme = Glory>}
===Windows 11 & Android 13