Security and Privacy Concern about Logos4 Phonning Home



  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    Please be careful with your comments. If the issues in this Forum Thread are of little internet to you, please put down your keyboard and take a walk outside for a while.

    I did not say that this thread was of little interest to me. Mark conclusively demonstrated that Logos does not "phone home" when the use internet option is turned off. Synch Now is a command that very obviously overrides the global setting. I can't imagine anyone executing that command by accident. Why would anyone put information of a highly confidential nature unencrypted on an unguarded computer or on anything that can be connected to the internet? You might as well post it on Face Book.

    Logos is a Bible Study tool that gains great functionality by "phoning home". I personally want my computers to automatically synch with one another. I keep confidential information in a more secure format.

  • Alan Macgregor
    Alan Macgregor Member Posts: 2,438 ✭✭✭

    #3 we already have, and it's been around since L4 shipped as far as I can recall:

    Sorry, I wasn't aware of what happened if you checked no. As a Logos 4 Mac user I am keeping mine always on during the Alpha development.

    Just noticed that this is a Logos 4 thread! [:$] I'll sneak off quietly.

    iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8

    MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8

    iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1

    iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1

  • Rene Atchley
    Rene Atchley Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

    If history has taught us anyting in the West is that we can absolutely trust govt., companies, and insitutions to do what is best for us all the time....[B]

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    #3 we already have, and it's been around since L4 shipped as far as I can recall:

    Sorry, I wasn't aware of what happened if you checked no. As a Logos 4 Mac user I am keeping mine always on during the Alpha development.

    Just noticed that this is a Logos 4 thread! Embarrassed I'll sneak off quietly.

    No worries. I would hope the "No" option works on the Mac side as well. It might be worth giving it a try and seeing if you ever get that update option message when others are gushing about the latest new alpha update. If not, you can always turn auto updates back on. Do you have the "update now" command on the Mac alpha yet? That's the way to force it manually even if you have auto updates set to no. I suspect that if all of this isn't working yet, they're working on it and you should have it soon, before the Mac version goes into beta for sure.

  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    The definitive information about Logos
    internet access.

    I have tested Logos with Internet=OFF, and confirm that with this

    • Manually running the command "Update Now" does connect to the
    • Manually running the command "Sync Now" does connect to the
    • Going to the home page or changing your preferred Bible does not
      connect to the internet.

    I've been running Logos for quite a while with the internet setting
    turned off, and monitoring what it does. Apart from me issuing those
    manual commands, it did not attempt to connect to the internet at all. I
    see this as perfectly acceptable - indeed, it is good that I can switch
    the internet connection off then manually over-ride the setting as a
    one-off with a command.

    I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.

    PS: I ran the tests with 4.0c beta 4.

    Thank you for confirming that Mark

    The point is that Logos4 does NOT respect the OFF switch.

    Sorry Jim, but I agree with Mark and Jack on this.

    Logos 4 DOES respect the OFF switch as shown by Mark.  If you turn Internet usage off, the only time that Logos 4 uses the Internet is when you tell it to.  What you are asking for is (no offense) a bit ridiculous.  You are saying that if you give Logos two different commands (one telling it not to use the internet and then a second [Update Now or Sync Now] telling it to USE the internet) that you want it to respect your first command and ignore your second.  You want it to pop up with a message saying "You told me not to use the internet, so I don't care that you are now telling me otherwise...I'm still not going to do it."  All this does is create a gigantic nuisance for those users that want to be able to turn off the internet and then MANUALLY CHOOSE (i.e. Logos is not choosing to ignore the "Off switch", rather you are telling it to do such) when to override that general setting.  You are asking for the program to be dummy-proof to a ridiculous level.  It is already is obvious that when you TELL Logos to Update or Sync Now, that will (by necessity) utilize an internet connection...functioning any differently from the current method wouldn't make any sense.

    The only (semi) reasonable "compromise" that I can think of would be to offer an option for you to turn on an "override warning message" (though I wouldn't want this to be default would need to be a separate setting) that would pop up and warn you upon running "Update Now" or "Sync Now" with a message stating "The command you have run will temporarily connect Logos to the Internet.  Are you sure you want to do this?"  Would such a feature satisfy your concerns?

    EDIT - Please don't interpret my CAPS as yelling at you...I'm just trying to provide fact I'm going to change them to italics, just to be "safe"

  • Kevin Taylor
    Kevin Taylor Member Posts: 188 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    The one thing you failed to provide in your post is what your concern is. What about "phoning home" causes your concern? As for the error reporting, do you have the same concern with respect to your operating system?The easiest solution for making all your software not phone home is to go with a modem on a phone line.


    Respectfully, he has already listed the easiest way to ensure this, by adding firewall rules to prevent it.  Using a modem will only cause severe frustration due to slow speeds and the fact that when connected it will still communicate with the Logos servers albeit slooooowly.

    Comodo Firewall is free and award winning, it will serve this purpose very well.  I use it for this very reason, I do not like any software sneaking out communication if I do not authorize it to do so.  This includes Logos although I love the product and if I "trust" any company it is certainly these lovely folks.  It's just the principle of the thing.

    Logos should certainly add an option to disable any net access from within the software settings for those not savvy enough to configure firewalls etc.


    Logos 5, Windows & Android perfect together....

  • Kevin Taylor
    Kevin Taylor Member Posts: 188 ✭✭

    Logos, for the safety of those risking their lives for the gospel, please make sure that when internet=No it does not use the internet at all (or confirm for us that this is the case)

     Might I suggest the following:


    1. Internet=No means exactly that.
    2. Quarterly DVD Updates available by subscription.
    3. Notification of download available as an option instead of solely automatic downloads.
    4. Information about what these downloads comprise.
    3 and 4 above are the sort of thing that Microsoft and Apple do when updates are available.


    The Logos team has put out a tremendous product that I applaud with vigor.  However I feel that this is a great point that I have repeated myself.  There should be an indication as to what is being updated, ala Logos 3, BEFORE it is updated so that users are aware what is being pushed to their machines.  First and foremost this is because well, these are our computers.  I should not have to choose between losing functionality [by blocking internet] and getting prompt updates.  This also educates me as to what books are getting updated that I own.

    We probably should not have to scour the forums to find out what has been updated after the fact, tell me before it pushes.  An auto update off/on option would solve this or even better a simple pop up to advise what is being/has been updated [even Windows does this].

    Being an IT guy, I am quite interesting as to what changes are being made.  Please add these as options.  For those that want the "set it and forget it" option let them keep it but some, I think many want to know what is going on with these updates from within the software.

    Logos 5, Windows & Android perfect together....

  • tom
    tom Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭

    For all of you who have the same security concern that I have, I have added a request on to prevent Logos from syncing user's data.  Here is a link to my request:

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    Logos is a tool and it has uses for which it is appropriate and uses for which it is inappropriate.

    Which, I think, misses the point. The point is it doesn't matter what you intend to use the tool for, it's that your use of the tool has unintended consequences, particularly in the world of metadata. I know this is a hard concept to understand--or, for that matter, to take seriously. But that doesn't make it any less real.

    [quote]My hammer doesn't have a rubber cushion so I don't hurt my thumb - some of the things necessary to protect confidential information would affect the usefulness of Logos for its prime purpose - which seems to me to be a portable - personal - bible reference tool.

    Certainly--but you're missing the point. What if every time you drove a brad on which to hang a picture on the second floor of your house, your front door unlocked? The example may seem stupid, but that's precisely the point of metadata--it is just like the process of hammering in a nail unlocking your doors. The side effects are startling because they're not what you expect, the consequences are unintended, and often far more reaching than we might like to imagine.

    [quote]There are probably quite a few who think along these lines too.

    I'm certain there are.There must be, given the total lack of concern about privacy shown by people who use computers in the general world. Google (among others) certainly makes millions of dollars a year on people's lack of concern about privacy. That doesn't make it right to get down on people who realize the consequences, and are cautious about them. I suppose 9184 must seem like a bright, wonderful future to most modern folks. But the point was to illustrate the dystopia that results from the unintentional side effects of trying to build heaven on Earth.



  • Kevin Taylor
    Kevin Taylor Member Posts: 188 ✭✭

    Logos 5, Windows & Android perfect together....

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    That doesn't make it right to get down on people who realize the consequences, and are cautious about them.

    I don't believe anybody is "getting down" on anybody's concerns. There is always a possibility of unintended consequences from using a product. Remember the lawsuit over getting burned from hot coffee? Where is the personal responsibility? This is akin to claiming drivers can have collisions without injury because cars are equipped with seatbelts.

    If it is your intention to protect unsavy users from unseen danger, the chance of injury is hundreds of times greater using a browser, search engine (as you said), or opening email attachments. It is possible to use Logos Version 3 and not go online. It is possible to use version 4 offline as explained by others in this post. Asking Logos to abandon the core functionality of Version 4 to protect unsavy users from themselves is a bit much.

    I say all this knowing the inherent risks. As Richard said a while back in this thread, only DOD security measures erase all traces of files. Vogon computer forensics (started in Oklahoma) is capable of data retrieval the best of criminals thought was erased. When I was recovering lost files on my desktop I discovered thousands of recoverable files the previous owner had "deleted." This included many sensitive files the owner would hope never surfaced. Every used hard drive I have purchased has contained recoverable "erased" data of personal or financial nature.

    My bigger concern with the present model is accidentally losing some of my resources. But  that is a small risk.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Graham Owen
    Graham Owen Member Posts: 665 ✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I'm also now wondering about the legal implications with reference to the UK's Data Protection laws for anyone who uses the prayer lists...

    Can you explain this a bit further? What sort of thing are you expecting in the prayer list and what does the UK law protect?

    Like most other countries we have laws that control what information can and cannot be stored about individuals by organisations and how the information must be stored, how long it can or must be retained and how it can be used. We also have laws that give rights to individuals to access that information. I can't see how these laws would affect general prayer items but there could be issues where they could be seen as an extension to notes on counselling activities or where the prayer item covered a 'business' activity like recruitment.

    The key point that someone else has raised is that this is not a Logos issue as such, the same would be true of a Word Document or any other way we choose to collate information and any other online backup technology we choose to use.

    God Bless


    Pastor - NTCOG Basingstoke

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    There are also issues in the UK about whether personal data can be transferred outside the European Union without consent. It can't unless (a) It's encrypted so no-one at all can access it, or (b) the organisation to whom the data has been transferred is a signatory to the Safe Habor agreement. In the European Union it would therefore be illegal to store personal data about other individuals in Logos if that data was synced, but wasn't securely encrypted on Logos' servers.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    The key point that someone else has raised is that this is not a Logos issue as such, the same would be true of a Word Document or any other way we choose to collate information and any other online backup technology we choose to use.

    That IS the key point! However some governments hold any retainer of such information accountable for securing the privacy of such. Germany forbids eB@y  users' basic data from being divulged, even in fraud investigations. G@@gle just pulled out of mainland China due to heavy censorship of G@@gle searches and Y@utube videos. Then when the US government asked what China was censoring, G@@gle refused to answer that request, due to international privacy standards. G@@gle Earth is not allowed to show closeups of Japanese satellite photos or closeups of people on the streets of many European countries.

    Whenever you walk outside through a major metropolitan city, you are likely being observed on some surveillance system. Phone lines are monitored by the millions, chemical & radioactive sniffers are in use and online communication is screened by artificial intelligence. Privacy in the technological age is a misnomer. The paranoia of using cloud based software seems ego-centric. They really are not that interested in just one person. If they knew how to interpret data on an  individual level they would not waste their time marketing a million dollars worth of stuff to a guy who spends his meager sustanance on Logos exclusively. [;)]

    My trust in Logos is much greater than my trust in governments, banks, insurance companies and secular business entities.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Michael G. Halpern
    Michael G. Halpern Member Posts: 266 ✭✭

    Suggestions, thoughts, ideas, and opinions are all great until we "expect" others to agree with us and demand that they make changes.  (Not necessarily saying anyone has yet gone quite that far, but close).  There are numerous other Bible software etools, and the original standards (many of you still have and use) called books (dead tree format), that are available to anyone who is concerned about Logos position and practices regarding THEIR software.  Great idea to share your observations and concerns with the company, but if we don't care for their response, or lack there of, we can keep what we have and disconnect from their servers, ask for a refund, or just move on and not look back!  I know!...not easy (I've spent thousands of dollars on Logos already with thousands more in prepub, but this is the chance I take that Logos will remain an acceptable company for me to continue to do business with for a very long time).

    But this is becoming passionate and personal and doesn't sound like we are being very loving toward our brothers (sometimes an inherent problem in non face-to-face communication.  We are all Christians (or at least quite interested in such faith) and we really need to show each other love and consideration.  Nothing wrong with passionate debate, until it becomes personal.

    Maybe it is best when we speak from a first person position about OUR thoughts and opinions on a subject and be very respectful to our "family" regarding their thoughts and opinions.  We all are entitled to our own...even when they may be wrong or misguided.  Lord bless you my friends...Michael

  • Rene Atchley
    Rene Atchley Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

    Indeed we can avoid the biggest, most deep library, most dominant, semi-monopolistic bible producer on the net.  However, since most of the resources that I require to help with my project is in the Logos library my selection of software and its functionality is almost beyond my ability to choose...very much like the dominance Microsoft has in other areas of software.  To call Logos a "chrisitan" company and adding moral characteristic to their business practices is akin to calling a plumber "christian" and assigning special or holy characteristics to him or her while fixing ones pipes.  This is business American style as best I can but verify.  I believe that is what this thread is about consumer choice through verification of a piece of software which dominates the landscape so much as to shadow out market alternatives imo.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,750

    There are also issues in the UK about whether personal data can be transferred outside the European Union without consent.

    Ah, yes, I understand. That is an issue that does really need to be dealt.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Rich DeRuiter
    Rich DeRuiter MVP Posts: 6,729

    To call Logos a "chrisitan" company and adding moral characteristic to their business practices is akin to calling a plumber "christian" and assigning special or holy characteristics to him or her while fixing ones pipes.  This is business American style as best I can but verify. 

    From someone who has met the owners, and those who work there, I can honestly say from an informed perspective, that your assessment is totally off the mark. They are a Christian business in every way a Christian can be true to Jesus in business, and a business in every way that a business can exemplify Christian values. BTW, to suggest that there is any activity in life that is religiously 'neutral' (e.g. business or plumbing) is a faulty assumption, IMHO, but explaining that would take us far afield of the purposes of this forum.

    I see this remark as being both uninformed and unfair.

    I believe that is what this thread is about consumer choice through verification of a piece of software which dominates the landscape so much as to shadow out market alternatives imo.

    This thread is about many things, one of which is simply wishing for/suggesting more options regarding data syncing, etc., and a more amorphous concern for privacy/confidentiality that applies to this software, and (IMHO) every other piece of "internet-aware" software on the planet (a rapidly expanding list).

    But I do believe that nearly all privacy/confidentiality concerns can be alleviated, if people both understand how the program works, and then work within the design parameters of the program. It's really quite simple, and requires no more care than working with any other program.

     Help links: WIKI;  Logos 6 FAQ. (Phil. 2:14, NIV)

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    However, since most of the resources that I require to help with my project is in the Logos library my selection of software and its functionality is almost beyond my ability to choose.

    Another way of looking at this "problem" is to be thankful the majority of your study tools are to be found in one program. Why is it bad to have all your resources available in one searchable library? You still have a choice but if you are practical that choice is an easy one, My daughter is trading in her sports car for a more practical family vehicle that holds car seats and diaper bags.

    Logos may always be the best Bible software available but I doubt it will push the popular free software off the market. Nor do I think it is Logos' intention.

    The original post raised a valid concern but I believe that concern has been sufficiently addressed. The other issues don't bother me at all. Heaven will be one big monopoly. [A]  And I am looking forward to it.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Alan Macgregor
    Alan Macgregor Member Posts: 2,438 ✭✭✭

    Heaven will be one big monopoly. Angel  And I am looking forward to it.

    Amen. Maranatha!

    iMac Retina 5K, 27": 3.6GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9; 16GB RAM;MacOS 10.15.5; 1TB SSD; Logos 8

    MacBook Air 13.3": 1.8GHz; 4GB RAM; MacOS 10.13.6; 256GB SSD; Logos 8

    iPad Pro 32GB WiFi iOS 13.5.1

    iPhone 8+ 64GB iOS 13.5.1

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    I wish to thank the many that have made useful or interesting comments here. Also, a few have written in ways that make me a little sad, and have not noticed and listened to the key ideas from my earlier comments here. In short, I was commenting about possible creep, and never being sure if OFF means OFF. In fact, it does NOT mean OFF. It just means automatic use is off at most, maybe all times, but who can be sure. Elsewhere, I have suggested maybe Logos4 should not crash, but create an error log and offer to upload it - maybe automatically. But I would want to be able to turn that off too.

    However, it is my wish that Logos will add an option so a user can choose to NOT SYNC their personal content back to the Logos servers, yet keep the rest of the application operational.

    I have traced the traffic, see, and intend to explore blocking all comms to and hope that the rest of the program will remain fully operational.

    I'm not even sure I want to run the application that way, but I want to be able to if I feel so inclined. I sure wont be keeping any "secrets" in the program.

    Again, thanks to those that see these Security/Privacy concerns are important to some people.

    Please don't misunderstand - I love the Logos4 application and features. I just want to be able to control where my content is.

    - Jim

  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,586

    it is my wish that Logos will add an option so a user can choose to NOT SYNC their personal content back to the Logos servers, yet keep the rest of the application operational.

    I agree that option would be beneficial, although I would probably not use it.

  • James Ng
    James Ng Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    I too would prefer it to be optional. When I used to work for the government, the security folks used to say that only people you trust can lose or steal information. If you didn't trust them to start with you wouldn't have given them the information. Do I think Logos is trustworthy...yes...but I also believed that the credit card companies were handling my information securely and we've seen and read of all sorts of unintentional leaks with them.

    I'd prefer to know when/where my data is going and it should be my decision especially considering the Logos has said not to send any private info up.

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    [quote][quote]The key point that someone else has raised is that this is not a
    Logos issue as such, the same would be true of a Word Document or any
    other way we choose to collate information and any other online backup
    technology we choose to use.

    That IS the key

    It's not my key point. There are two things going on in this thread, which makes it difficult to deal with. The first is the issue of Logos not really turning off internet access when you tell it to. The other is the general perception that the only important "thing" in security is securing what you actually type into a document.

    I agree that Logos should be "off" when you turn it off. I also think that Logos should provide a way to run the software completely off line. There must be a reason for both of these, however, other than "I just think it would be nice." And the justification, in my mind, is that people simply don't understand the power of metadata. It's not about what you type into a document. This is a well understood security problem, quite honestly. It's not solvable in the real world (no matter how much we might think it is), but it's at least generally understood.

    My point is more subtle--the problem is the metadata, information about your information. Again, I know this is really hard to understand, but the unintended consequences really are harder to understand, and to deal with, than the information itself. In China, folks use proxies to prevent people from seeing where they go. That's data. What they can't do is hide the amount of information they are downloading--that's metadata. And while that's a lot harder to hide, it gives out just as much about you as the information itself does.

    [quote]The paranoia of using cloud based software seems ego-centric. They really are not that interested in just one person.

    First, you're presuming on the "good intentions" of someone else. I'm glad you have an undying trust in the goodness of people at large--but I don't--God says we're all sinful, and I trust God to His statement of fact. That everyone is sinful means that I need to hedge my bets against people failures. Since companies and governments are made up of people, that means we need to hedge our bets on that side, as well. I know I'm swimming against the underlying assumption that 'people are good' that permeates our culture.

    Second, you're presuming that people who are concerned about these things are "ego-centric." No, those among us who are concerned about these things have spent time looking at the problem, and understand it very well. Once you've chopped down every tree of protection for the sake of convenience, where will you hide when the wind really starts to blow?

    There's this underlying defeatism here. The three basic arguments come down to:

    1. I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't worry about it.

    2. I can't do anything about it anyway (Privacy in the technological age is a misnomer).

    3. I can trust people to do the right thing.

    My answers are:

    1. What's "wrong" can change from day to day in a society governed by people rather than law.

    2. Don't be a defeatist.

    3. Don't be so optimistic.




  • James Ng
    James Ng Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    Here's an interesting question. Even if you assume Logos is "safe" how is the data transported? Is it encrypted and protected on its WAY to Logos' servers? If not, that's my first complaint, I'd expect transport protection if they're getting my data.

    Does anyone know for certain?

    ETA: From my view, Logos saying don't send private data because we can't secure and not giving me an option is the refusal to take responsibility. You can't have it both ways, if you pull my data, I expect it to be treated with respect and protected. If they're unwilling to do so (whatever the reason) then I should be allowed to keep all that data local.

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    it is my wish that Logos will add an option so a user can choose to NOT SYNC their personal content back to the Logos servers, yet keep the rest of the application operational.

    I agree that option would be beneficial, although I would probably not use it.

    I would love to see such a feature in Logos... I would accept not having some information synch'd if I felt that information could be harmful to others if exposed. It would be great if such a thing were granular to the point of allowing you to choose to synch specific sets of notes, while not synch'ing others, or some prayer lists, and not others, etc.



  • Rene Atchley
    Rene Atchley Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

    I think these questions, as a whole, is a design or core program architecture issue unrelated to endless other issues (i.e. is Logos a Christian organization).   It seems to me that automation coupled with push advertising is by itself a reason to at least ask questions about how the program is functioning and why.   For me these are as much purchasing questions as anything else.

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I agree that Logos should be "off" when you turn it off.

    Back to my question of ; What happened to personal responsibility? If you give a command to "update now", YOU are the instigator of the synchronization. If a user is intelligent enough to type the command they can not blame the program for following it.

    folks use proxies to prevent people from seeing where they go.

    Proxies do not shield well enough. A certain young hacker used 18 proxies to attempt a break-in on a US Navy mainframe. It did not work. Officials tracked down the attack computer.  

    While a missionary kid in Japan I did see anti-Christian, anti-democracy, or anti-foreigner sentiments. As a homeschooler for two dozen years I have learned not to give the establishment occasion to interfere. Holding public office and the accompanying death threats required me to change a lot of my daily practices. I am not defeatist nor naive.

    I accept responsibility for my choices. Even my choices of misplaced trust. I know of a "Christian" who embezzled over $6 million from one of my church members. My exposure using Logos 4 online is negligable compared to that. I expect to be wronged in life. I assign different levels of trust to various relationships. Logos has earned a great measure of my trust. I do have a limited safety net of my Version 3 installation and the whole ftp site. I have a disk image of my installations. So if the Christ-haters outlaw internet use for Christians, I can go underground with Logos 3 until they kick in my door.[:|]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    James Ng said:

    Here's an interesting question. Even if you assume Logos is "safe" how is the data transported? Is it encrypted and protected on its WAY to Logos' servers? If not, that's my first complaint, I'd expect transport protection if they're getting my data.

    I've already posted these links but please do read them:

    When you first install Logos they give you all thegeneric  bits of data. You are the one who adds personal data to it. It has already been addressed how irresponsible it would be of you to enter personally identifiable information on third parties you may be counseling or praying for. Whether you have a legal obligation or not, you do have an ethical obligation. This is nothing new to the profession. It is each individual's responsibility to meet that standard.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Monroe R Miller
    Monroe R Miller Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

     akin to calling a plumber "christian" and assigning special or holy characteristics to him or her while fixing ones pipes

    Where do you think that holy water comes from?


  • Ron
    Ron Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Back to my question of ; What happened to personal responsibility? If you give a command to "update now", YOU are the instigator of the synchronization. If a user is intelligent enough to type the command they can not blame the program for following it.

    [Y] Exactly

  • James Ng
    James Ng Member Posts: 82 ✭✭

    I've already posted these links but please do read them:

    When you first install Logos they give you all thegeneric  bits of data. You are the one who adds personal data to it. It has already been addressed how irresponsible it would be of you to enter personally identifiable information on third parties you may be counseling or praying for. Whether you have a legal obligation or not, you do have an ethical obligation. This is nothing new to the profession. It is each individual's responsibility to meet that standard.

    By the same token, please do read the question. This was in regards to Logos calling home. The links you indicate is for the website. Are you suggesting that the program itself also use SSLVPN?


  • Rene Atchley
    Rene Atchley Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

     akin to calling a plumber "christian" and assigning special or holy characteristics to him or her while fixing ones pipes

    Where do you think that holy water comes from?

  • tom
    tom Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭

    I wish to thank the many that have made useful or interesting comments here. Also, a few have written in ways that make me a little sad, and have not noticed and listened to the key ideas from my earlier comments here. In short, I was commenting about possible creep, and never being sure if OFF means OFF. In fact, it does NOT mean OFF. It just means automatic use is off at most, maybe all times, but who can be sure. Elsewhere, I have suggested maybe Logos4 should not crash, but create an error log and offer to upload it - maybe automatically. But I would want to be able to turn that off too.

    However, it is my wish that Logos will add an option so a user can choose to NOT SYNC their personal content back to the Logos servers, yet keep the rest of the application operational.

    I have traced the traffic, see, and intend to explore blocking all comms to and hope that the rest of the program will remain fully operational.

    I'm not even sure I want to run the application that way, but I want to be able to if I feel so inclined. I sure wont be keeping any "secrets" in the program.

    Again, thanks to those that see these Security/Privacy concerns are important to some people.

    Please don't misunderstand - I love the Logos4 application and features. I just want to be able to control where my content is.

    - Jim

    Based on a phone call I had with a Logos employee, you will not be able to purchase any new books for V4.  This is why I added the "do not sync" request on

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Jim Towler said - "intend to explore blocking all comms to and hope that the rest of the program will remain fully operational.

    I say - "That is like buying a horse and cutting off his four legs so he won't leave the farm, then trying to plough with him." [:|]

    Based on a phone call I had with a Logos employee, you will not be able to purchase any new books for V4.  This is why I added the "do not sync" request on

    Logos 4 books will only be made available by download in the future. You will either have to go online or freeze your library size and seriously cripple the program. A better setup I would recommend is buying somebody's Version 3 license while you still can.


    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Rene Atchley
    Rene Atchley Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

    I'm begging to think that offering alternative ideas, concepts, or criticism of Logos is pretty much a wasted activity.  It appears at times that all alternative, other than new ebook resource, are simply absorbed into the web site internet vortex and hurled into another universe.  I fully understand that this is a Logos site and that a high level of enthusiasm for products is the norm.  However, I don't see hardly any response from Logos representatives that validates anything but full support for whatever project or price of said company...but I don't read all the threads all the time. 

    After not using Logos products for several years and coming back to work on my D. MIn project I'm getting that I am wasting my resource feeling again.  I wonder to myself if privacy is not an issue what is.  Meditation on this issue is required of me I think.

  • Michael G. Halpern
    Michael G. Halpern Member Posts: 266 ✭✭

    I don't frequent the MS or Apple forum sites (if they offer them), but I wonder when the last time Mr. Gates or Mr. Jobs directly responded to their customer comments on a forum.  The Logos Family does quite regularly.  Thank you Pritchett family.

    Also, it's OK for others to not care much about what we care about.  We should always have civil exchanges, but we don't all have the same passions about things and the conversations above have almost become personal.  Using terms such as "shocked" or .  We are in a pretty free-market economy, you are welcome to share your concerns/problems/issues/comments/etc. with the powers that be and if you don't like their response (or lack of one), you are also welcome to move on.  This isn't about being so in love with Logos that we are blinded...I regularly make complaints and raise my concerns with the CS staff via telephone.  I'm very outspoken about my issues with the company, but it's my choice whether or not to continue using the program.  I haven't found a company that I regularly do business with that I haven't had an issue or several issues with.  This side of heaven we will just have to "deal" with it to some degree and with the direction of the HS [;)].

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    You will either have to go online or freeze your library size and seriously cripple the program. A better setup I would recommend is buying somebody's Version 3 license while you still can.


    Actually, if you read all the posts in detail, the real story is very different to how some have implied here in some of their posts.

    The Logos4 program talks to at least 7 or more different web server addresses. Each for different reasons. One for login, another 2+ for Home Page news, another for downloading new resources, another for something else. And one for syncing my personal files back to the Logos servers. It is ONLY this final one I have blocked. The rest are fully operational.

    My horse still has four legs, he still ploughs just fine, but I dont let him go out the front gate until I'm with him and say its ok.

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    I agree that Logos should be "off" when you turn it off.

    Back to my question of ; What happened to personal responsibility? If you give a command to "update now", YOU are the instigator of the synchronization. If a user is intelligent enough to type the command they can not blame the program for following it.

    Hmmm.... It's always so odd to me when I ask for the tools I need to be personally responsible, and someone comes back with the answer, "what, aren't you personally responsible?" A bit ironic, isn't it? It's a lot like tying a bill to spend $x billion on abortion clinics to a bill to spend $x billion to building new churches, and then saying, "Well, you do want the new churches, don't you? How can you not vote for new churches?"

    [quote]I accept responsibility for my choices

    Even for the unintended consequences? Throughout all of this, you've missed the point about unintended consequences. What you think you're doing isn't always what you're actually doing. Giving people the ability to reduce the chances of there being unintended consequences shouldn't be something that's hard to argue for, if you're all about "personal responsibility."





  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    offering alternative ideas, concepts, or criticism of Logos is pretty much a wasted activity. 

    Your comments are an important contribution whether or not they convince others or change things. I have had my thinking changed several times reading opposing posts. You don't seem to have a problem using other online apps like browsers, email servers, Logos forum, and maybe banking?? Logos 4 is intrinsically an online application. To gut it of all internet connectivity would wipe out your home page, stop updates, prevent synching all your computers with each other, and lose your notes, highlighting and layouts. Logos has implemented structural discipline when they switched to download only of new resources. The elimination of third party retail sellers is another plank in the platform. I suppose if we asked the Good Shepherd's sheep what they thought of the fold they are corralled in, some might answer they feel trapped by the fence when in fact the fence is there for their own good. Many people thought Moses wasn't a very good leader in the desert. But a company needs one leader and Bob Pritchett seems to know what he is doing, overall [;)] .

    Out of almost 3/4 million users my opinion and yours together won't convince Logos to rip the design out of Version 4. There would be nothing usable left.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,750

    However, I don't see hardly any response from Logos representatives that validates anything but full support for whatever project or price of said company...but I don't read all the threads all the time.

    Speaking for myself, I am not given to speculation and anxiety but am prone to keeping things calm. Can you guess why all my foster kids were teenagers? As for complaints about Logos, I prefer to take them directly to Logos. However, I think I am sufficiently vocal on what I consider Logos' biggest weaknesses for me - lectionaries, multiple canons (almost complete now), early Biblical manuscripts and Byzantine/Eastern resources.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Rene Atchley
    Rene Atchley Member Posts: 325 ✭✭

    All I wanted from this software was a Bible program.   Not a paradigm breaking post-modern leap in relational usability leading to new levels of Biblical insights based upon ground breaking indexing and search-ability of Logos products.  I am left with a sort of emotional emptiness related to my second dance with this product.  I think my contribution to this thread is or has been exhausted. 

  • tom
    tom Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭

    You will either have to go online or freeze your library size and seriously cripple the program.

    And when this happens, I will be canceling all of my prepubs, and right now I have over $3,000 worth of prepubs orders.

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Hey guys, I did not invent Logos 4. (Wish I did.) I can't change Logos 4. (Would not if I could.)

    I hope you find a way to make good use of the software. Jim Towler can tell everybody how to amputate certain parts of the program. Remember when you reject part of the corpus you will limit your functionality. (I know from personal experience. My right leg was amputated.)  Similar to the Church needing every gift of the Holy Spirit,  Logos 4 needs the sum of it's parts to function properly. If you don't like it's designed purpose, chop away! But I will gratefully and prudently use the software.

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Ray Timmermans
    Ray Timmermans Member Posts: 90 ✭✭

    The definitive information about Logos internet access.

    I have tested Logos with Internet=OFF, and confirm that with this setting:

    • Manually running the command "Update Now" does connect to the internet.
    • Manually running the command "Sync Now" does connect to the internet.
    • Going to the home page or changing your preferred Bible does not connect to the internet.

    I've been running Logos for quite a while with the internet setting turned off, and monitoring what it does. Apart from me issuing those manual commands, it did not attempt to connect to the internet at all. I see this as perfectly acceptable - indeed, it is good that I can switch the internet connection off then manually over-ride the setting as a one-off with a command.

    I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.

    PS: I ran the tests with 4.0c beta 4.


    This thread kind of reminds me of someone picking up the telephone, dialing a number and then showing utter shock at someone on the other end answering and saying "Hello?" If the initiator of this thread doesn't want to make a telephone call, then I suggest don't pick up the receiver and dial. Simple as that!

  • Bob Pritchett
    Bob Pritchett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280

    However, I don't see hardly any response from Logos representatives that validates anything but full support for whatever project or price of said company...but I don't read all the threads all the time. 

    Sorry -- there's just so much forum traffic, and we're so busy doing the stuff we already promised you. :-)

    We're hoping to hire someone just to monitor the forums, but haven't had time to do that yet (let alone train them!). We do it as we can, and to save energy and time I sometimes avoid coming back to an argument we've already had thoroughly. (You'll find many explanations already on the forum for why we don't allow you to choose what to update and what not to update. For example,

    -- Bob

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭

    (You'll find many explanations already on the forum for why we don't allow you to choose what to update and what not to update. For example,

    Hi Bob - welcome back.

    Firstly, this forum thread has never been about wanting selective control of the updates, and I say so on page#1 of this forum (near the bottom of the page).

    This topic started about me being concerned that "Use Internet=OFF" does not in fact disable the internet connectivity for the entire application. It does not. In fact it DOES appear to disable all AUTOMATIC attempts. Many responders have totaly failed to userstand, when I used the example of manually running "Update Now" to show it was not disable. It was just an example proving that the cable was NOT unplugged - just idle but still connected. The intent of my original post here, at the top position, was concern that OFF might mean OFF-SOMETIMES-but-with-scope-creep.

    Anyway, before the first page on this topic was finished, most of the thread has had the more specific focus on wanting to disable syncing personal content onto the Logos Servers (for backup and state-transfer to other devices under the same user ID.) I fear the blend of those two related but differnet ideas have caused some that read it quickly to get confused.

    In a different thread, in PC Beta, the focus is more directly on a request to disable the SYNC, but keep the rest of the application operational.

    The answer to the orignal question in THIS thread, is that OFF only means automatic use is OFF, but the program will use it the Internet by request.

    However, there are some important security and privacy concerns from some of your other customers mixed into the 100 replies here.

    Bob, please read this entire thread and the one just above when you have time. I believe there are some important comments. Thanks.

  • Russ White
    Russ White Member Posts: 569 ✭✭

    We do it as we can, and to save energy and time I sometimes avoid coming back to an argument we've already had thoroughly. (You'll find many explanations already on the forum for why we don't allow you to choose what to update and what not to update. For example,

    -- Bob

    I fully understand why you don't want users to pick and choose different parts of the software to synch--I don't necessarily agree with the argument, but I understand it. I deal with Cisco IOS, IOS/XR, and the many variants--trust me, I understand your argument. But... Let's leave that aside for the moment.

    There are things users could choose (or not choose) to synch without hurting the running of the software. For instance, a simple checkbox that allows you to synch your prayer list, or your notes, or specific notes files, or even specific layouts--since none of these would impact the running of the program, the argument in the thread above doesn't hold. To use a parallel example, whether or not a user synchs their router configurations to a master server doesn't impact Cisco's support of IOS (in fact, I would be astounded if anyone allowed Cisco to pull their router configurations to a master server).

    There are two concerns, and two requests:

    1. That the software doesn't really provide any way to work offline completely. We would like to see a way for this to be possible.

    2. That the software doesn't allow the user to determine which personal data will and won't be synch'd. I would like to see some way to choose which personal data I put on your servers.

    IMHO, both of these are important,worth considering, and very little (if no) trouble from a technical support perspective.



  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    1. That the software doesn't really provide any way to work offline completely. We would like to see a way for this to be possible.

    Start Logos with the Ctrl key held down. You are then taken to the login screen and can choose "Work Offline." This, in conjunction with "Use Internet = NO" should completely prevent Logos from "phoning home."

    IMHO, both of these are important,worth considering, and very little (if no) trouble from a technical support perspective.

    If you make it possible for users to disable some key feature of the product, some of them will do it, and a certain percentage of those will not read the fine print and will not understand what is really being disabled. Then they'll come crying to Logos if their computer crashes and they lose all their Notes. And it will be a support cost for Logos to give those people (even if it's just a small fraction of the users) some cold comfort over the phone when they are distraught over their years of sermon notes being blown away in one moment. And a certain number of those users will be upset at Logos for NOT backing up their data like it was supposed to, even though they disabled it themselves. And some of those ones will demand their money back. And it's yet another complexifying of the code, so an opportunity for subtle bugs to creep in, thus causing more potential user support calls. So none of this is easy for Logos to handle.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't do it, if enough people want it. I'm just saying don't be so quick to assume it would be "very little (if no) trouble" for them. I'm sure there are costs associated with this suggestion, beyond the development time to implement it.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,750

    That the software doesn't allow the user to determine which personal data will and won't be synch'd. I would like to see some way to choose which personal data I put on your servers.

    I basically agree with Rosie that making such a basic design feature optional is fraught with problems. I also agree that there is a possible legal liability with regards to truly personal information. I suggest that Logos make it possible to flag individual prayer files to be marked as excluded from backup and syncing.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."