Personal Book Help

[Warning] Consecutive duplicate Milestone Start for data-type bible: bible.1.27.33
[Warning] Consecutive duplicate Milestone Start for data-type bible: bible.1.37.2
[Warning] Consecutive duplicate Milestone Start for data-type bible: bible.1.49.10
[Warning] Consecutive duplicate Milestone Start for data-type bible: bible.19.98.1
[Warning] Consecutive duplicate Milestone Start for data-type bible: bible.19.107.5
[Warning] Consecutive duplicate Milestone Start for data-type bible: bible.24.11.15
John Brumett said:
I build a Personal Book recently which was a Bible Commentary and came across these errors. What do they mean? How do I find them? How do I fix them?
They are warnings indicating that you have the same bible milestone more than once in your text, possibly as a typo or a complex replace not working 100% correct.
You can easily find the respective places in your source document, since bible.xx.yyy.zzz identifies the book (xx), chapter (yyy) and verse (zzz) by numbering bible books - it's a little bit more complex than that, but that easy heuristic is good enough for your OT-related warnings. bible.1 is of course Genesis, bible.19 is Psalms and bible.24 is Jeremiah, so e.g. the warning for bible.24.11.15 means that the milestone for Jer 11:15 appears twice
Have joy in the Lord!
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John Brumett said:
I build a Personal Book recently which was a Bible Commentary and came across these errors. What do they mean? How do I find them? How do I fix them? [Warning] Consecutive duplicate Milestone Start for data-type bible: bible.1.27.33
As stated above you can't duplicate a given milestone in different places. It is ok to have overlapping milestones, though e.g.
[[@Bible:Matt 5:9-12]] Matthew 5:9-12
[[@Bible:Matt 5:9]] 9 “Blessed are the peacemakers...
[[@Bible:Matt 5:10]] 10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake...
[[@Bible:Matt 5:11]] 11 “Blessed are you when others revile you...
[[@Bible:Matt 5:12]] 12 Rejoice and be glad...Dave
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I agree with Dave but....
I use a bit different approach... see below....
[[@Gen 1]] Genesis 1
Gen 1:1 [[Thompson Chain Bible Book Outlines: Overview >> logosres:ws-22653ac812e44ebc9b65d2cfc627e236;ref=Bible.Ge]]
Gen 1:1 [[WordSearch Outlines >> logosres:ws-0-755;art=ch1]]
Gen 1:1 [[Topical Guide: Moses >> logos4:Guide;t=My_Topic_Guide;ref=bk.$25Moses$5FPerson]]
Gen 1:1 [[Unger - Introduction to Genesis >> logosres:ungerbblhb;ref=Page.p_36]]
Gen 1:1 [[Christianity Today >> logosres:ctmag01;ref=VolumeNumberPage.V_1,_N_22,_p_17]]
This way I can refer to the same verse (i.e. Gen 1:1) multiple times. It may not be kosher but it works in what I do with it. Basically the above is part of an index that I keep.
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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You set the milestone at the chapter level rather than the verse level? That may come back to bite you.
xnman said:Gen 1:1 [[Thompson Chain Bible Book Outlines: Overview >> logosres:ws-22653ac812e44ebc9b65d2cfc627e236;ref=Bible.Ge]]
Gen 1:1 [[WordSearch Outlines >> logosres:ws-0-755;art=ch1]]
Gen 1:1 [[Topical Guide: Moses >> logos4:Guide;t=My_Topic_Guide;ref=bk.$25Moses$5FPerson]]
Gen 1:1 [[Unger - Introduction to Genesis >> logosres:ungerbblhb;ref=Page.p_36]]
Gen 1:1 [[Christianity Today >> logosres:ctmag01;ref=VolumeNumberPage.V_1,_N_22,_p_17]]
This block is all the text that is contained within the milestone. You can REFER to a text multiple times. It is multiple occurrences of a MILESTONE that is a problem. It is the milestones that are used to build the index.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Works for me. ... Thanks.
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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Yes, it does work -- and better than having a milestone repeated out of order.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Some times it is useful to have a milestone repeated intentionally in a bible. I double up the last verse in each book.
Then when I get an error I have a hint on where to start looking. When the project is compete I remove all of the repeated milestones.
Also there is a big jump in book numbers between the OT and the NT to cover the books that are sometimes located there.