iPad Air 2 Offline

We lost power Sunday at church which disabled WIFI availability. Logos would not run and I could not find a way to get it to run offline. I'm sure there is a way and I'm hoping someone can guide me in the event this should happen again.
I have 20G of my Logos resources downloaded to 128G iPad on iOS 15.6.1. Looking for HELP!!!
James H. Schafer said:
Logos would not run and I could not find a way to get it to run offline
Sorry to hear about the problem you experienced - but can you provide a few more details?
I have used the Logos app on many occasions when offline without any problems.
Did the app not load, was it you could not access certain resources, where there certain features that stopped working?
Did you try force closing the app and restarting it?
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Thanks, Graham, for your reply.
When I attempted to load the app I only got a blank screen with the little circle going round-n-round. So, no, the app did not load and there were no features available. I did not have the ability to even open the KJV.
I closed and re-opened the app with the same results, not sure about 'force closing the app.'
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James H. Schafer said:
not sure about 'force closing the app.'
Try swiping up from the bottom of the screen and "swiping" away the Logos app. Additionally, you can do a hard restart of the device (full shut down and restart).
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thanks, JT, for your reply,
OK, I understand what you are saying, however, I have used the double-click on the Home Button to see what was loaded and usually unload all but my Logos app. Foolish thinking on my part I never thought of that as a forced close. Maybe that would work. I'm at home now so WIFI is fully working.
Maybe I can test by closing the WIFI on my iPad and then loading Logos. Thanks again!!
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James H. Schafer said:
Maybe I can test by closing the WIFI on my iPad and then loading Logos.
I have had different issues in recent weeks... but with "minimal internet," not "no internet." Sometimes a trickle is worse than an empty bucket.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Well, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I never thought about removing the app as you described, JT. I have always left Logos open (I guess) thinking that was the best way.
I 'force closed Logos' turned WIFI off, opened Logos, got the message about WIFI being off, but proceeded to open resources, even one of my sermons and woolah, there it was. Once before our WIFI was off at church and I had to do my sermon without any notes because I didn't know to 'force close', but I've done that many times over my 70+ years in ministry.
It's all about knowing what and how to do it. Thanks again, JT and Graham. You guys are a blessing to an old man.