Kyle: Why are some Recommend Resources grayed out in the Lexham Survey of Theology?

Kiyah Member Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I looked up the topic of Repentance in the Lexham Survey of Theology (LST), a scrolled down to the Recommended Resources section. Most of the resources listed have clickable links that I can either open if I own and have them downloaded, or I can open a preview panel to either download or purchase them.

I noticed a couple of resources that Logos sells in the store but the links for those resources are grayed out in the LST so I can't click them to get a preview. See below.

However, these resources are included in the Systematic Theologies interactive with clickable links that open a resource preview panel so that you can purchase the resource.

Why are they grayed out in the LST?

