Lexham Research Commentary Resource Swap?

Bryan Hawkins
Bryan Hawkins Member Posts: 36 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

So I own the Lexham Research Commentaries, but noticed that one of the main Greek Dictionary links is to the Colin Brown NIDNTT.

I own the Colin Brown's NIDOTT, and then the revised version of his new testament works by Moisés Silva (NIDNTTE), so it wouldn't make sense for me to buy the Colin Brown version of dictionary, but then I cannot access the links because the Research Commentary only links to this1986 (Colin Brown) dictionary set. Is there anyway to change the dynamic links to send me to the Moises Silva dictionary set?





  • Doug Mangum (Lexham)
    Doug Mangum (Lexham) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 226

    As far as I know there's no way to redirect the links. Programming a general redirect would break the link for people who did have NIDNTT. 

    NIDNTTE was not available when many of the LRC volumes were produced, which is why the links are going to the old version. If you want to find out what NIDNTTE says about the linked topic or lemma, you could type the lemma into the navigation box for NIDNTTE. I don't know of any quick way to do it. Future volumes of LRC will either link both versions or the new version.

  • Dudley Rose
    Dudley Rose Member Posts: 278 ✭✭

    Future volumes of LRC will either link both versions or the new version.

    I own the Genesis volume. It links to the first edition of the Expositor's Biblical Commentary, but not the revised which was presumably published subsequent to the LRC. Is it likely that links to revised editions, such as this, that retain the same authors and are not vastly different would ever be updated in the LRC? I think probably not, but I am curious.

  • Doug Mangum (Lexham)
    Doug Mangum (Lexham) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 226

    I own the Genesis volume. It links to the first edition of the Expositor's Biblical Commentary, but not the revised which was presumably published subsequent to the LRC. Is it likely that links to revised editions, such as this, that retain the same authors and are not vastly different would ever be updated in the LRC? I think probably not, but I am curious.

    I believe Revised Expositor's was published before LRC Genesis, but it was not available in Logos when we wrote that resource. Some of the books in the Revised Expositor's are by different authors, but Genesis was not. I have not looked closely to see whether much was actually revised. At this time, we have no plans to update the resource to include links to the revised edition. After I get some of the newer LRC volumes out that are in the works, I plan to think more about updates for the older ones like this, but it might be a while before I get to it. 

  • Dudley Rose
    Dudley Rose Member Posts: 278 ✭✭

    I believe Revised Expositor's was published before LRC Genesis, but it was not available in Logos when we wrote that resource. Some of the books in the Revised Expositor's are by different authors, but Genesis was not. I have not looked closely to see whether much was actually revised. At this time, we have no plans to update the resource to include links to the revised edition. After I get some of the newer LRC volumes out that are in the works, I plan to think more about updates for the older ones like this, but it might be a while before I get to it. 

    Thanks, Doug. Makes perfect sense. Of course, it's easy enough to look it up in the revised.