Linking Bible to Word Study, NASB to Greek Lemma

Ralph Fairfield
Ralph Fairfield Member Posts: 2
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I have the Logos 9 basic feature set which comes with free Logos. I know others who have more advanced feature sets, and it's difficult to tell what different behaviors are because of differences in licenses, as opposed to simple configuration.

Specifically - my friend and I have the same resources linked:

  1. NASB '95 Bible
  2. Bible Word Study

On my friend's computer, a word is selected in the Bible and the BWS pane is reloaded, with the word study being performed on the underlying Greek lemma.

However, when I select a word, the BWS (although linked) does not automatically update at all. Further, if I right-click the word and select BWS, the word study is performed on the English, rather than the Greek.

Interestingly, I have found that I do have the aforementioned functionality (left-click word, Greek lemma automatically loaded into BWS) if the Bible that I have linked is the LEB.

I have noticed that I do not have the (reverse) interlinear for the NASB - not sure how I obtain that. Maybe that is related.

Guidance appreciated! The NASB is my preferred version, so I'd like to figure out how I can use it for my studies.


