Revelation and Catholic Fundamental Theology

Br Damien-Joseph OSB
Br Damien-Joseph OSB Member Posts: 229 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I'm going to suggest a handful of books on divine revelation from Catholic research that would be very helpful for my studies and hence for FL's acquisition. But while I'm here, there are a few other things that would be helpful to point out. For instance, the store (and by extension the Verbum webstore), when performing a search for "revelation", prioritizes books related to the Book of Revelation/Apocalypse. Perhaps a helpful feature would be akin to Google's "Did you mean X?" feature--that the store should ask the user, did you mean the book of St. John, or did you mean revelation proper, i.e. the starting point of fundamental theology (at least, for Catholics, the starting point). Then the user, selecting what they indicated, could have their search results narrowed according to what they intended. It is not helpful to have commentaries on the book of Revelation coupled together with dogmatic and fundamental theology studies in the self-disclosure of the Godhead.

More to the point! Verbum could use a library of fundamental theology. I genuinely don't know if FL works with these publishers, but I'm going to list them anyway, since every nonexistent relationship between FL and a publisher is a losing relationship on FL's end (and on their users' end...). Please vote on these books if they interest you, and I am glad to see that others have already added some of them to FeedBug before I got here.

Revelation: Towards a Christian Interpretation of God's Self-Revelation in Jesus Christ, Gerald O'Collins, SJ. Oxford University Press, 2016. Vote here

Rethinking Fundamental Theology, Gerald O'Collins, SJ. Oxford University Press, 2011. Vote here

Models of Revelation, Avery Dulles, SJ. DoubleDay (or Macmillan?), 1983. (FL ought to acquire the 1992 reprint through Orbis Books) Vote here

Theology of Revelation, Rene Latourelle, SJ. St. Paul's/Alba House, 1966 (FL ought to acquire the 2009 reprint through Wipf & Stock) Vote here

Dictionary of Fundamental Theology, ed. Rene Latourelle, SJ. Crossroad, 1994. Vote here

Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the Claim that God Speaks, Nicholas Wolterstorff. Cambridge University Press, 1995. Vote here

Then, of course, there is Karl Rahner, which FL should obviously have prioritized getting all of his works, not just those related to divine revelation. Also, Bernard Lonergan.
