Word Info in Interlinears

Christopher Kou
Christopher Kou Member Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am attempting to get the "Word Info" feature to work properly on long-press in Logos 10 Mobile (Android) for the interlinear resources.  Forums for older versions mention an "Auto Lookup" toggle, but I do not see that in the current version anywhere.

It seems to work fine in the Hebrew Interlinear, but no "Word Info" appears for the Greek Interlinear (LGNTI) or the LLXXI.  I also cannot execute a Word Study from the Greek interlinear resources. 

Word Info does appear in NA28.  However, the extended info pulls from TDNT, which is an odd resource to use for that, and I cannot find a place to change the default to another lexicon like BDAG.  The Hebrew is pulling from DBL, which is okay, but I would rather default to HALOT if possible.

Please let me know if these are bugs or if I am just missing something.  Thank you!

