How to make words highlighted.

Hello, I'm new to Logos.I was wonder if there is a way that I can make all occurrences of a Greek/Hebrew word show as a highlight in all other Bibles. For instance, I'd like the Hebrew word Neshamah to appear highlighted in red everywhere it occurs in my English Bibles. Is there a way to do that without manually going to every occurrence and highlighting it?
See this wiki page:
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Just adding to JT, your visual filter as described, will only work in reverse interlinears (that have the hebrew or greek) ... which you'd need to have purchased.
After going over the wiki above, the easy way to create your desired query, is find the desired word in your reverse interlinear Bible, right click it, select lemma or transliterated, choose a Bible search, and then look at the query generated by the software (to use in your visual filter).