1.41 - Can't load book specified when offline.
Well, I did pulpit supply in a So. Baptist church about 160 miles to the north this morning. I took my iPad and left my paper bible home. When I got there I popped open my new 1.41 installation and tried to turn to the book I was going to be preaching from and got "Error Loading Book Logos could not load the specified book".
The book had been downloaded and the program will not allow me to load ANY of the several books that I have downloaded. So, Logos, what's up, and how can I help you with troubleshooting?
BTW, I had my MiFi with me and simply turned it on, and preached my sermon. But I think Olive Tree or at least a PDF copy of a bible are going on to be loaded back on to my iPad.
Ok, just dinking around here, I have several books listed in the library for offline reading (nasb, esv, expositor bible commentary, alphabet of animals etc.). All had little airplanes on them. On a whim, I just deleted the Nasb and re-downloaded it. Now I have only the Nasb and alphabet of animals listed, both work perfectly. I did test both the NASB and The ESV after I downloaded the new version (1.41), and they worked perfectly. I also read the NASB latter on in the morning during breakfast. So, I haven't a clue what happened, but the iPad seemingly lost the books that I had downloaded, which is why I got the error.
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I've been experiencing similar behavior with the app on my iTouch - even before upgrading to 1.41. Finally I just uninstalled EVERYTHING (and I had several hundred books downloaded onto the device) and started over. So far (since I torched it all and started from scratch), I've only downloaded a few books, and everything seems to be working fine again. Perhaps it's a problem that stems from having too many resources installed on the device itself (pure speculation that) ...
I'll keep you posted if I learn/observe anything further ...
peace, rob
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Any input from Logos tech support or developers?
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have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
Kevin A. Purcell said:
have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?
Nope, I did uninstall all the books by logging out and reloading them. Everything seems to be working fine. Right now, I am just trying to get a response from Logos acknowledging the issue so I will know that it is going to be addressed. I am going to continue to rely on the the offline capability, but now that I have a copy of ESV (I actually teach and preach out of the nasb95), as a back up, it isn't a critical bug for me.
It is a pity that we don't have log files to upload like with do with L4, it means the iPhone development team is trying to troubleshoot a black box.
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I have not been able to reproduce the problem.
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Dave Dunkin said:
I have not been able to reproduce the problem.
Thanks for trying Dave. If it happens again, I will let you know. BTW, with the exception of this issue, you are correct, 1.41 does handle the offline mode much nicer than before.