Scripture references

I have about 7 different scripture references in my sermon that I want to be able to turn to each one quickly. I was thinking that maybe seven bookmarks would be the way to go but I don’t see anywhere in the mobile app to do that. Is that the best way to jump to each of my references, or is there a better way? If bookmarks are the right tool, how do you use them in the mobile app?
thank you,
Morning Brett
Brett E. Baker said:I have about 7 different scripture references in my sermon that I want to be able to turn to each one quickly.
Is this on iOS or Android?
I've just checked on iOS (I don't have my Android device with me) and - as the references are hyperlinked - I can click them and my Bible is updated to that place.
So a split screen layout with a sermon and Bible next to each other would enable easy moving of one to another
This is with Logos 10 but I believe it worked just the same in Logos 9
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Try Passage Lists.
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Perfect! Yes that is the solution.
Thank you,