Beta 7 - "Not Responding"

John Fugh, Jr.
John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

Since installing beta 7, Logos 4c has been excruciatingly slow.  In about 5 minutes, there have been 10-15 "not responding" messages from Logos 4.  There are not any crashes, but just these messages.  Mainly these come from highlighting, selecting text, and going to more information in a right click.  Also, at boot of L4, I get the same message.  No crash, so no crash report.  Attached are my logs.






  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    More Information: The Not Responding is also happening when changing windows or tabs in addition to simple scrolling.  I wonder if it has anything to do with highlighting?


    EDIT: No, the highlighting have nothing to do with it.  I turned off all highlighting and it still stops responding with scrolling.


    EDIT 2: It seems to happen in the ESV.

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    John I cannot duplicate this behavior in the program. Can you load a screen shot of the layout you have open? I opened a layout that has a PG, EG Cited By Tool, the NKJV, ESV, Text Comparison, BDAG, LN and WSNTDICT and it seems to function as normal.

  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    The first picture is occurred when I closed a search:



    The second picture is when I tried to jump to col 1.22 in the esv



  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    When I closed all of the books and layouts and opened Spurgeon's Lectures to My Students Vol 1 (Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to My Students, Vol. 1: A Selection from Addresses Delivered to the Students of the Pastors' College, Metropolitan Tabernacle. Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009.), I started having the not responding again.  Interestingly, this not responding when this book is open happens just about every time I click on something in Logos 4cB7. 


    Could something be associated with this book or maybe another book too?


  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    John, I took a look in that log file and much of the slowness seems to be coming from SyncManager (which gets called whenever Logos syncs). At one point, it took 20.41 seconds to upload 1 item, but usually it was on the order of a couple thousand milliseconds (~ 2 seconds). Have you noticed the sync arrows flickering a lot? Are you having slow Internet problems in other applications? Try running Logos with "Use Internet" set to NO for a while and see if the performance in this resource speeds up. Do you have a lot of highlighting in this resource, a lot of clippings from this resource? I saw clippings mentioned ones right near that really slow upload. It would be strange if Logos is having to sync things that haven't changed at all since the most recent sync, though.

  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭


    Hi John, no I don't get the "Not responding" problem in this book.
    Does it just pause for a while with "Not responding" or does it actually

    The only performance problem I'm seeing here is that when I try to
    scroll down in the book by clicking and holding the mouse down on the
    portion of the scroll bar below the scroll thumb, it scrolls about 20
    pages fast and then pauses for about 3 seconds, then scrolls another 20
    pages or so, then pauses again for 3 seconds, etc. I have no idea what
    would be causing this book to hang up like that. Other books have some
    irregularities in scrolling but not that dramatic.


    Thanks, Rosie for checking.  I am not sure what is going on.  It happened immediately after beta 7 was installed.  I am currently doing a "Rebuild Library Index" command.  I can't tell from the logs I posted where the problem resides.  Nothing is consistent, other than, it is more stable when this spurgeon book is not open; however, I have had "not responding" messages even when this book is closed.


  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    We both were replying to this thread at the same time. See my post right above yours.

  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    Have you noticed the sync arrows flickering a lot? Are you having slow Internet problems in other applications?


    The sync icon is not spinning that much at all. 


    Try running Logos with "Use Internet" set to NO for a while and see if the performance in this resource speeds up. Do you have a lot of highlighting in this resource, a lot of clippings from this resource?


    No difference when Internet is off.  And there is not a lot of highlighting in this book nor are there a lot of clippings.  I have minimal highlighting on the first 20 pages (Just bought the resource last night).




  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    I've created a new layout and have noted the following:

    1. As long as the Spurgeon book (mentioned above) is not open, then all seems to work with any "Not Responding" messages.
    2. As soon as I open the book, everything slows down tremendously and I receive "Not Responding" messages every 5-10 seconds.

    It must be something related to my installation because Rosie has the same book and when she opened it, she did not have any trouble with L4B7.



  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    John, Jim Towler was experiencing similar problems with Beta 7, but he found they went away after he started Logos while holding down the Ctrl key. This enables logging on a per-session basis, but it also forces a fresh login. I'm not sure which of those was the key to fixing the problem, but try it and see if that works for you.

    Even if it does fix the problem for you, it would be good to hear someone from Logos weigh in on this: what caused the problem in the first place, and why does this fix it?

  • JimTowler
    JimTowler Member Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭


    I had much the same kinds of things for a while, but after exiting and restarting Logos4 a few times, it appears fine now and no more trouble. Sadly my logs suggest nothing to me, but it operated fine the whole time after I enabled logging [:(]

    I had the same black screens and "Not Responding", but sadly I've got no clues to offer you.

  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    This enables logging on a per-session basis, but it also forces a fresh login. I'm not sure which of those was the key to fixing the problem, but try it and see if that works for you.


    Hi Rosie, sadly, after doing this several times, there is no change in my performance nor in the number of "Not Responding" messages.  There are not any crashes, just these "Not Responding" that hangs the application for 15 or so seconds each time.



  • Robert Pavich
    Robert Pavich Member Posts: 5,685 ✭✭✭

    but after exiting and restarting Logos4 a few times, it appears fine now and no more trouble.

    Jim and John,

    There was a thread somewhere in the past about this phenomenom.

    One user said that he'd "start Logos up" and then click a few things or scroll...and if it didn't seem snappy...he'd restart until it did, and then use L4 that way the rest of the day...


    I can't remember who it was but he definitely did's another weird piece of the puzzle....

    Robert Pavich

    For help go to the Wiki:

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hopefully Logos will respond to this in the morning and will be able to figure out what's going on given the log file. They might ask you to enable the more detailed kind of logging for this one. Wait and see. They'll explain it if they need that from you.

  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    One user said that he'd "start Logos up" and then click a few things or scroll...and if it didn't seem snappy...he'd restart until it did, and then use L4 that way the rest of the day...


    Thanks, Robert, for the suggestion.  Jim and I, although exhibiting similar symptoms, may have different root issues (although, again I may be wrong).  As long as certain resources are not open, then everything seems fine.  However, when it is open, then everything stops: Scrolling, activating panes, activating windows, etc.


    Let's hope it is a simple fix and that others do not experience it.



  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

     I've created a video of the issues with b7 that I have been having.  Sometimes a video better illustrates problems.



    Let me know if Logos Support needs any other information.


    Thanks,  John

  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭
  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

     I've created a video of the issues with b7 that I have been having.  Sometimes a video better illustrates problems.



    Let me know if Logos Support needs any other information.


    Thanks,  John

    I don't know if it is a related issue, but last night I noticed that scrolling through resources became very sluggish as I added more highlighting to a passage I was studying. Highlights became delayed when they were added or erased and scrolling the the bible passage became slower.

  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    Hi John,

    Thanks for your video and logs.  The issue appears to be with the resources in the Lectures to My Students collection. We will look into it and try to get those resources fixed.



  • John Fugh, Jr.
    John Fugh, Jr. Member Posts: 651 ✭✭

    Thanks for your video and logs.  The issue appears to be with the resources in the Lectures to My Students collection. We will look into it and try to get those resources fixed.


    Thanks David.  It does only happens in Vol 1.  All other volumes are fine.  Also, just for clarification, I was reading this before I installed b7 and all was OK. 



  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭

    I've had a terrible time with "Not Responding."  Mostly while working with notes.  It most often occurs when I copy/paste, cut/paste, backspace key, delete key, click in the middle of the text to type in additional information, click on the NASB window from a note field, Click in a note field from NASB. (NASB has surface and Manuscript in-line interlinear displayed.)  Symptom sequence:  CPU usage (both cores) spike between 80-100%, Logos (not system) locks up for about 2-5 seconds, Logos goes black, 'Not Responding" appears in title bare of Logos window and then about 5-20 seconds later Logos goes back to "normal" until I do something else it doesn't like.  Other applications still work fine during the outage, but run slow since the CPUs are a bit busy.

    Other actions can set it off also, but mostly it does not like the notes.  The notes were made in Logos 4 (not imported from Logos 3) since sometime in 4.0b beta. 

    Attached is my Logos4.log file.


  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭

    Additionally - I get lots of blackouts when creating or editing Highlighting or Visual Filters too.  Even just typing in a note can cause a blackout.

    I'm running Vista Home Premium. No other applications are open.  I started to have this problem shortly after B7 or maybe the fonts update and it became acute after the latest two resource downloads (that came one right after the other on 4/29).

    I keep my eye on the CPU activity meter, when I see CPU1 spike, I pause to avoid the blackout (which may or may not be faster than going through the blackout).  While adding a line for "@V?P" to an existing visual filter I had to pause3 times.

    Hard drive becomes active, but not excessive.

    Turning off "Use Internet" did not help.

    With "Use Internet" no I closed L4, waited 30 seconds, launched L4 with CTRL down, told it to login = same problem

    With "User Internet" Yes, I closed L4, waited 30 seconds, launched L4 with CTRL down, told it to login = same problem

    Attached is this morning's Logos4.log file and a screen shot that captured an event with Performance Monitor (the CPU plateau is the blackout event) which was triggered by typing "@" in the last Visual Filter window.

    One other note.  B7 seems to take about twice as long to launch compared to previous versions.


  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    I have been getting a number of these "not responding" delays as mentioned previously in this thread. Mine seemed to come when I was adding highlights or had visual filter activity. This morning I was working most recently in the OpenText Clause analysis and clicked the tab to view the OpenText Greek NT. I received a very long not responding message then clicked on the tab again and the program caught up.

    I have attached a log below. I am no expert in this field, but observation tells me that the last couple of Beta's have resulted reduced performance when dealing with visual filters, highlights, and as some have discovered (including me this morning) other resources.



  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭

    The problem seems to be cumulative - the more I use Logos 4, the more blackouts I get and the longer they take to recover - now up to 2 minutes or more recovery time, longer than it takes to get to the next blackout.  I usually use my laptop on Sundays, but have copied my teaching notes to ESV Reformation Study Bible on my iPod to use this week.  Hopefully the fix will come early this week and I can get back to Logos 4. (Too bad Logos 4 doesn't sync my notes to iPod or I would probably use it instead of the ESV RSB - hint, hint.)

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The problem seems to be cumulative - the more I use Logos 4, the more blackouts I get and the longer they take to recover - now up to 2 minutes or more recovery time, longer than it takes to get to the next blackout.

    That symptom sounds like a possible memory leak. If you close Logos and start it up again, does it seem to clear the accumulation of time it takes to recover from a blackout?

  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭

    Hi Rosie,

    Good idea, but I'm not sure it is memory leakage.  Last night I closed Logos with only 3 panels - NASB OT, NASB NT, Information.  I defragged my HDs during the night.  This morning I rebooted the computer.  I waited until the CPUs and HDs settled down to an idle state and then launched Logos.  Once the 3 panels were displayed it took about 6 minutes for the OT panel to display boxes for my notes and my visual filters.  It took an additional 4 minutes to display the same markers in the OT panel.  All this time my CPU1 activity was busy at 80-100%.

    I then waited for the CPUs and HDs to settle down to an idle state and tried scrolling and clicking the two NASB panels and they worked fine.  Feeling bold, I right-clicked on an OT verse, clicked on the reference in the right menu and then clicked on the name of the note file I wanted to add to. Immediately it went into a blackout for about 3 minutes, then displayed the panels for about 5 seconds, then blackout for another 2 minutes with no action on my part.  Then I was able to type my note, but it only displayed the first 3 or 4 characters and the display froze.  I finished tying the sentence and waited.  Trying to redeem the time, I clicked to launch IE to write this post and immediately Logos went black again.  It stayed black for about 6 minutes as I was writing this post and now I can see behind my IE window that Logos is out of the blackout (is this a historical present?) as I finish this post.  Dare I see if Logos works yet?

    Nope - I clicked on the title bar of the Logos window and it immediately went to black.  Before clicking I did move the IE window down and saw that my sentence was finished, but during the whole time Logos was coming in and out of blackouts and I was typing this post my CPU1 activity has been constantly between 80 and 100% and the CPU2 activity has been up and down in a more normal fashion depending on what I was doing.

    I've been wondering where Logos is building a bigger and bigger file, but the HD activity doesn't seem to be excessive during or around the blackouts.  I'm wondering if building a data set in memory that gets saved to the HD when I close Logos and reloads it when I launch Logos the next time. 

    I'm hoping Melissa, Bradley or one of the other Logos experts has good news (no Gospel pun intended) on Monday and a fix on Tuesday.

  • Tim Hensler
    Tim Hensler Member Posts: 1,546 ✭✭✭

    I rebuilt the index yesterday and this morning Logos still had the Not Responding with black screen but it only lasted about 5 to 10 seconds (not many minutes like it built up to over the previous 3 days).  Curious.

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